Friday 22 May 2015


I just came home from another session at UP Fitness and I thought I couldn't make it all the way today. It was a ridiculous session and I felt sick the whole way home. Now I'm just gonna rest and wait for my friends to arrive from Sweden.

Wednesday 20 May 2015


I just came back from training at UP Fitness. Another gym, other equiptment and machines, learning something from someone else by experience rather than by studying... and just let someone else tell me what to do for a change. 

I had my BioSignature done, which is a way to calculate your body fat percentage... and apparently I'm on 18.5% which is pretty lean. After these 7-8 weeks I will aim to be down at maybe 17%, just to give me a challenge. Don't really feel like I need to drop any more body fat, but why not... I can always eat more Snickers later to put it back on again... 

Friday 15 May 2015

Sugar and other sweeet stuff!

So I've cut out sweets from my diet since Monday this week. 
Still eating carbs, fats protein as normal... just skipping all the damn extra sugar.

There comes a point of every day I'm thinking.. fuck it, just take a little bit and relax. Don't go overboard. Like I'm trying to manipulate myself. But NO, I've stayed strong. The only thing I do treat myself to is a tiny piece (not even a square) of 86% dark chocolate.

So there is that one point of the day when I'm withdrawing.. but I'm hanging in there, and I feel good about it!  

Training is going good this week, and next week I'm starting doing a few training classes at another gym to push harder and to learn from someone else in a practical way. 

The nutrition course I'm doing is super interesting, and I have a strong feeling that I will feel soooo confident in my knowledge when the course is over. Still loads to learn, but I'm learning!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Vacation BOOKED!

I'm so excited. Booked tickets for a 10 day long holiday to Sweden this summer.
I haven't had a 10 day long holiday in a very long time, so this is major! 

Also very exciting as half, or more, of those days will be in our summer cabin in the south. 
No internet, no stress, loads of realxing, BBQ's and the OCEAN. Can't wait! 
Bringing the boyfriend for the whole 10 days as well... 

Friday 8 May 2015

Friday night

Hey all! 

It was so nice meeting up with Nancy catching up and gossiping about life. 
Tomorrow I'm suppose to meet up with another friend of mine, and on Sunday I'm going to a BBQ... which will make this week a VERY social week for me. Jokes, sad but true. 

At the moment I'm just waiting for Kay to arrive so we can share a bottle of wine then go to bed really... 

This weekend is my last weekend of treats, and on Monday I will start being good to my body again. 
But not just yet... oh joy! 

follow up...

He did call, 11.28... jookes. 

But we sorted things out and the lunch was rather... interesting.
Kangaroo, crocodile, pork belly and alpacka. 

Today it's raining quite a lot... nothing more to say about that really, other than I'd like to just lie down in bed and watch a movie. But I'm going to be a social person and go meet Nancy at Brick Lane.