Monday 30 April 2012

Nice evening

Went to see Marie Dalström last night. She's just a pure talent. 

As for this week. It's time to get things officially done. I have one more project to start, but I need to finish the ones I have started before I feel that I can give my all focus to it.

Sunday 29 April 2012

"It's kind of your style..."

So, I've had this for a while now.. this.. "hat".
My mum "really thought about me when she saw it" and decided that this was something I would definately wear. Well... I don't know what to say really.

But I've decided to give it a some what fair chance. So therefore this will be my new "practice at home"-hat, or if the occation of a smurf-party ever will show up in the future I will score some points.

two grannies under one roof

Had such a nice evening at Maries place. We got loads done and ate good food. I, of course, fell asleep during "Shutter Island" leaving a scared Marie to watch it by herself. Then I had trouble falling asleep, but woke up 8.30 suprisingly fresh.

We made breakfast for Malte because it was his birthday. Then I packed my bags and headed home.

Now I'm home and I hope to be as good student as I was last night.
And tonight there's a gig I want to go to, so I better be good.
Just made Marie watch Shutter Island while I was taking a nap. Good times.

Saturday 28 April 2012

productive hangout

So, studying here at Marie's is actually going a lot better than I could imagine. Basically we both sit with our headphones plugged in, and every now and again we show what we have created. It has been going on for hours too. Good stuff.


Woke up quite early today, and I got some things done... but of course you always find something to get you distracted for a good amount of time. In this case I happened to find an old website where I used to upload pictures... It was such a joyride to go through them again. 316 pictures to be exact.

Now I'm gonna get ready for my day with Marie. So I better start packing my bag!

Friday 27 April 2012

Tomorrow is a new day

Time to go to bed and get some good night's sleep. Tomorrow I'm spending the whole day, and having a sleep over at Marie's place. We're gonna get some heavy studying done, hopefully a run (or yoga if it's raining), and some healthy food. I am looking forward to a girls night!

aaaaaah, nice.

It was only me coming to class today. I should have squeezed out a private vocal hour, but the teacher and I just had a really nice long chat instead.

Then I had a really nice session at the gym, and decided to enjoy come crisps and chocolate today. And that went down fast. Now I'm gonna study for a little bit. But this weekend and for the rest of this term, I'm going in hard core!


Some weird dreams was in my head last night... Apparently I was crying, laughing and making weird sounds.

I feel reasonable rested though. And today I'm gonna get some shit done!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Had a nice day at school, and a good session at the gym. Then a not too good evening, but I got some practicing done, so I guess that's all good anyways.

Powerful instruments and girls night

Yesterday we got to experience singing with a double bass. It was such a powerful feeling. And the guy was just so talented and helpful. I fucked up my arrangement, but he helped me to get through and gave me some ideas. Luckily this was only a dry run, so now I know how I have to practice for the actual exam.

After this I ended up going to the movies with some girls. I haven't had a girls night in a long time, so I was rally happy that they talked me into it. We saw "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen", such a feelgood film, and apparently from a Swedish director Lasse Hallström.

Monday 23 April 2012

provocative shit!

Watched a film called "Lets talk about Kevin". It was really good, but I hated it. I usually don't wish for people to die, but I wanted that character to die as soon as he was born. That makes a good actor I guess....

Sunday 22 April 2012

but now I'm done...

Sunday really is my cleaning day, and since I haven't found the inspiration to practice much today, I felt it quite handy that the flat was a bit of a mess.


Now it's not anymore, so I am gonna make some practicing happen. Some good sightreading and technique songs to go through should do it. Then if I feel it I just really hope to get some reharm going. I'm just really bad at it. Might just pay someone off to do it for me, but what would I have gained from that?


I didn't realize it was such a nice day today. Makes me focus even less on the things that I have to do, and daydream a bit more about the things I could be doing instead.

Up and away!

As I was just thinking... 

I wish I was hungover, because then I wouldn't feel bad for still being in bed right now, at 1 pm. It's just that my body hurt so much. But that's no excuse. I might go to the store and get me some chocolate, and some more porridge for tomorrow morning. At least that will get me out of the bed.


I just couldn't wake up before 11.30 am today. And you should know that I really tried. I didn't even get drunk last night, and I was alseep by 3 am. But judging from the soarness of my body, I can tell it's purely my muscles that needed a break. That's no good for my school work though!

Saturday 21 April 2012


I've been a good girl practicing. But my voice does not wanan cope with me, so from now on today I have to do things that doesn't really require me using my voice too much.. Funny, since I'm studying a vocal program....

Well, fortunately (?!) we've got plenty of other things to get done this term!

the beauty of sleeping

I woke up at 6.45 feeling all fresh. Then I decided to sleep for a little bit more, since I am going out tonight after all, and I do'nt wanna be the granny that's moans about being tired. BUT, instead I slept until 9.40! And of course.... tired. Oh well, I have things to get done before 2 pm. So off I go.

Friday 20 April 2012


Went to the gym today. I pushed myself quite hard, since it has been about two weeks now... I've been think I should do more cardio after training, but I'm usually just too wrecked after the session. And today I focused on my legs. Running for only 5 min afterwards was sooooo hard, my legs were so heavy. And then during stretching my toe cramped and refused to go stop until I left the gym.

Going back Old School!

I ended up practicing a jazz tune... until I couldn't focus anymore. I don't wanna turn the day around completely, so I better get to bed right now. It's hard though when a fellow friend is linking me all these fat tunes from back in the days. I just wanna go out dancing, big time.

Thursday 19 April 2012

oh yeah

Okay, tonight hasn't been as priductive as I wanted. But when do you get done all the things you wanna do in one evening? No, didn't think so.

But I'm more or less done with my double bass arrangement, and all I can say is that it's short and fucking sweet!

Poetry of Rain.

The rain is pouring down over the city of London and I think it's so beautiful. At least from the inside of a safe and warm home.

home alone

It feels to weird to come home to an empty home after having my mum and her bf here for two days. And then the man of the house has gone visit his parents. I'm just all by myself. But I feel that I have a chance to get some shit done tonight. Or at least I hope to get some done tonight...

alright. ...

So I was sick again yesterday, and the pills I bought didn't work. I didn't like my performance, but people said it was good, so I just have to have some trust.

I still have a head ache, my mum is stressing for nothing. Good God, thanks for a quiet night alone!

Oh well, later.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

move on already!

And the road work continues... SHUT UP!

good ol' tuesday

I had a pretty nice day.

Started with me having a minor breakdown in class. I just got too frustrated with myself because I couldn't help getting frustrated. Oh well, my teacher told me to shape up and so I did. Lucky me we we're only two people that could be bothered to show up!

Then I went to the gym. I so loved it!

Then I had my drum class, which is always fun!

And then I had a small rehearsal with Rich, who I'm playing with in a pub tomorrow night... And then I headed back to school for P&I, where we sat down deciding songs. We're going proper 90's, exciting times ahead!

Monday 16 April 2012

What a feeling!

FINALLY! Trascription is done! Or, I'm bringing it in to out Vocal Rythm class so that our drum teacher can give me feeback on the rhytmic part of it.

I just realized that I'm hungry.

AND that they are still doing fucking road work, at 11 pm!? Ridiculos!
I mean, proper drilling up the road and heavy machines...

Just give it a break...

I can't believe that it's 9.30 pm on a Monday night and there is some heavy road work going on just outside my house. My tea is litterally shaking on the counter, that's how intense the work is... And it's making it hard to do my transcription.

taking care

So I've been practicing about two hours for the gig on Wednesday... Now I feel that it should be fine.

Plus I've been doing my transcription. I think I'm almost about done, just going through some parts again. It ain't easy.

AND, I had an amazing bath just now. I haven't had one in a while, mainly because we didn't have hot water for about a month, and there just wasn't any time to have one and really enjoy it. Aaaah, I'm so relaxed.

Well, back to work for a bit, then I think I'm gonna crawl into bed and read some.


I only managed to go to one class today. I just had to get back home. I'm not good at all. It's that kind of ill when your whole body hurts.

Instead, I'm gonna cook a nice lunch/dinner, take a bath, drink some tea and get some work done. I was so excited to go back to school today, but I was stupid to go in the first place. Especially when I woke up sweating from a fever. Haha, my teacher even said I looked green.

Well, one day home, that's all I'm giving this shit.


And in case anyone missed it. Today, (15th of April 2012) it's 100 years since Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean.

just go already

I've been doing some on my transcription now, and I'm getting there. But I should be thinking about going to bed. I am not even tired anymore. But Mondays are the longest days and with no breaks, so I kind of have to think about getting myself into that lovely bed!

Sunday 15 April 2012

do the unthinkable

I slept almost the whole way on my flight to London. I think I just died for a moment, and woke up again.

I had such a nice time with my gran before going to the airport. Almost too good, because fogot about the time for a moment and I came to the airport only 50 minutes before departure. But, it's all good. And it's good to be home.

Tomorrow the hard times begins. I'm ready.

You sweet thing

For my birthday I bought four boxes of strawberries that we didn't finish. I'm so enjoying my bowl full of them now, right before heading to the airport.

dear dad.

Midsummer 2010.

Haha, this was the first picture I found of my dad.
Just wanted to say...

Happy Birthday and I love you so much!

If you ask me, I'm ready.

I didn't go to sleep until 5 am last night, and then after 4 hours of sleep I felt great. And I guess I can thank myself for not drinking last night. I did wake up with a soar tummy, haha, and that comes from nothing else but dancing so much! I had a blast.

I'm almost done packing, and good to go.
My gran is picking me up within oue hour and then I'm on my way home. I really had a lot of fun and of course I kind of wish I had a few more days, but I am so excited to go back home!!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Life is good

I was planning on staying at home tonight, but since quite a few of my friends are going to the same area in town I just kind of have to go. But right now I feel like I'm gonna be sick, not vomit sick, but sick. My body is aching from tensing my muscles.

Now I'm gonna pack, take a hot shower and stop complaining. Life is good.

23 + 1

And I am not leaving...


Woke up at 6 am and had a look outside.. A white Stockholm?! I have to say that I have had a really nice time here at home, but I am ready to go Home, and come back for the summer again!

More about yesterday later...

Friday 13 April 2012

Go Shorty, it's your birthday!

Call me a freak or call me whatever... But since I wasn't feeling like running today because it's quite wet outside, I'm studying instead... AND...


Thursday 12 April 2012


I hope the people tomorrow likes spicy food. Because this chili is on fire. Whooops...

Le Chef

Almost done with my chili for tomorrow's party. the only problem is that I can't fit the beans. I'll sort it out tomorrow though, better that way.

Gonna practice some songs for the gig next week. Totally forgot that we have it this coming Wednesday. I haven't been using my voice much at all, more thatn to talk shit with friends...

Busy day.

Last night I went out with a friend to catch up over some beer after I finished work. It was really nice, and I do realizre that we have a few nice pubs in Sweden, even though they are not quite like a proper English pub.

Forgot about the time and ended up taking a night bus home, fortunately I only had to wait 10 min for it to come...

Wasn't drunk at all last night, but I almost felt hungover when I wonke up, just a bit too early this morning. But it has been a very productive day, and it's not even half two yet.

Went to my passed away great grandmums flat and went through her clothes, only to find myself some very nice items. Went to the mall with my mum and bought ingrediences for my Chili I'm making for my birthday that is tomorrow. And I've been preping for my big cooking night today.

Now I'm heading into the city to meet up with a friend. But before that I'm heading to the youth centre to be treated as a youth for the last time. 23 is officially grown up. Amen!

Very nice!

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Just what I do

I had my beloved friend Emilie here last night and she stayed until about 2 am. Just too much to catch up on, and then you always foget about time hwen you're in good company. Oh, and happy birthday again my friend!

Then today I woke up at 8.30, feeling all good about sleeping in my old bed, eating my Swedish breakfast and chill out with my mum.

Now I'm heading to the outdoor gym. I just can't stay away and relax for one week. And even though I don't have the best stamina anymore because I don't like to run in London, I just have to take advantage of the trails in the woods whilst I can. And the cold air is rather refreshing too.

Oh, and of course I had to say yes to work tonight as well. I just can't seem to just chill for a change.

Monday 9 April 2012

Nice little visit

Work yesterday was really nice, and easy, and chilled. And the ladies I visited was really nice too :)

Then we went for Easter dinner at my dad's. My step mum cook an amazing dinner, and we we're 11 people enjoying it. Then I decided to stay for the night. And to be waking up to dog slob is nice too, for a change. And their new little puppy is soooo cute.

Well, heading back home after dropping off my brother with my dad later today.

Saturday 7 April 2012

We're alright

Mozart and I are just chilling before it's time to sleep.

Life of illutions

Home Sweet Home. Bought about two kilos of sweets on the way home from the airport. Also went looking in some stores. I saw my own ass for the first time, or so it seemed, in the mirror. Ha! I obviously had the wrong idea of myself. So maybe I'll skip the sweets tonight...

It's nice to be home though.

Friday 6 April 2012


So my last day before goig to Sweden. I feel great, and for the first time this week the sun is showing. Therefore I'm gonna skip going to the gym, have a nice day, catch up with a friend and enjoy a tasty dinner with "The MAN". Oh, and finish packing of course.

Thursday 5 April 2012


There's a lack of pictures streaming on this blog. Not that this one makes it any more interesting, but I call it "The Dream Machine".

My thursday night

So I rented the film 'Rain Man' and I still haven't started to watch it. I'm just thinking about my reharm project for school, and I have decided to change my song once and for all. (I think!) I'm just waiting to get an OK for it.

'Rain Man' is such a good film, I haven't seen it in years, so I though it would be a nice little treat for my lonely evening.


And I almost forgot to tell you about the musical last night. It was SO amazing, and I was in a funny mood all evening. It really was a nice birthday gift from the man on the sofa! :)

"The Man"

Finally, the house is so clean. It has been a bit messy for a while, but now I manage to get "The Man" (as he would like to hear it) to get his shit together and do a tidy up together. Now he lies on the sofa, watching American Pie and feeling good about himself. Good boy.

Wednesday 4 April 2012


The early bird is going to an early session at the gym. And guess what?!

I'm so excited I actualy get some butterflies since I've wanted to do this for a long time. I get my birthday gift from my bf early because I go to Sweden in a couple of days.

Anyways... we're going to see LION KING tonight!!
God I have to say it again, I'm so excited!

Tuesday 3 April 2012


I struggled so hard to go to the gym today, but I went and I did a great workout too. I'm so proud of myself. Now I'm gonna enjoy a nice stir fry that my personal bf chef has created. Good Tuesday night, indeed.

Monday 2 April 2012


Just finished watching 'American History X'. It's just such a heavy film, and it never goes old. I love those kind of films that you watch and then you just kind of wanna sit quiet for a bit after and process what you just taken in.

Well, I think I'm gonna go and sleep on it too.

"Hate is baggage."

Check it out!

Here's the link for the cover I recorded with House Ninety Six yesterday. Enjoy!

Click HERE!

oh yes!

Finally, we have someone here to fix the pressure for our water. We've basically not had any hot water for a while now. And people ask me why I go to the gym so often....

Sunday 1 April 2012

Running around in a crazy town

I have been out and about today since 9 am.
First the gym, then home quickly to get some paper for the kitchen St. Bf is working in, which is in Kings Cross. Then to my unpleasant suprise, it seemed, that the whole London Bridge was on diversion, so my plan to go to Rich and record a cover just got postponed further into the day. So after walking to another tube station, going one station and getting the bus I was finally on the road of getting somewhere...

The session itself was pretty sweet. Of course there are things that could have been better, but this was a one shot kind of recording, so mistakes are given. Anyhow, it's gonna come up on YouTube within the next hour or so, I think. So I'll post a link and please go and tell us what you think! :)

Ended the evening with a pint at, apparently one of London's top 10 pubs, ate an omelette for dinner and watched Mission Impossible 4. I give it a 3 for being full of really super cool and thrilling action, but for being a bit too long, just so that they could fill it with even more surreal over the top action.