Tuesday 12 April 2016

getting older, getting smaller

Today is my last day as a 26 year old. That's all I have to say about that really. 
I'm still enjoying life and I'm trying not to stress about the fact that my eggs are getting old haha. 

Jumped back on the high horse with my diet after Saturday's slip, and tomorrow we are taking new measurements and progress photos. I weigh less than I have in many many years and lower it will go, but I don't really care. Honestly, the only thing that really annoys me is that I'm not allowed to donate blood until I gain my weight back up again. I just have to find another way to be a hero for a little while. 

Sunday 10 April 2016


So today I went volunteering at You Me Bum Bum Train again, the things I did last year. It was nice, but if I go back next weekend I will chose another scene. 

My dieting has been going so well, until today. I fucking went to town with my refeed and this means that tomorrow I will double my cardio to 1hr to at least make up for some of the shit I put into my body today. Damnit. I did so well, really! I feel veru guilty, but there is nothing to do about it now than to be even more on point from tomorrow.