Saturday 31 March 2012

I'm doing it for the thrill

Good God. I've been practicing songs for about 2,5 hours straight. Love it, but now I have a head ache. All four songs for the artist led gig on the 18th are down for the set, four great songs from great artists. Now it's just practicing ahead. It's gonna be great!

Skype session 2

I never though the day would come I talked to my brother on Skype for more than 3 hours in total. Well folks, today is the day.

lunch time

Today is not a very nice day out But I actually think it's nice for a change. Doesn't make you feel bad for not spending much time outside.

I'm boiling macarones at this very moment, it has been such a long time since I ate pasta in general. And I have to say, that even though these macarones are not as good as the ones at home, I'm stoked.

Skype session

Been skyping with my brother both last night and now since I woke up. It's really nice to catch up and to talk about things that's on our minds.

And now I just realized that my own brother wasn't sure about the date or my birthday.

Friday 30 March 2012

Oh boy!

I went to the gym feeling quite uninspired. That resulted in a pretty shit leg workout and a double snickers afterwards. I would have probably been better off staying at home to be honest, haha.

Sam says - GO

Soo.. I already cooked my dinner, and revised school work for two hours, so I should be going to the gym now. It's always this feeling of resistance in my body before I get there and got going. In other words. I rather stay at home tonight. But my dicipline is telling me to stop being a child and go already. I wish my dicipline would talk to me a bit more often when it comes to revising...

happy staying

So apparently it's snowing at home... I can just say I'm glad I made the choice to stay in London for the first two weeks of this spring break. FUCKING LOVELY weather we got going on here. Makes it hard to study, but now in the afternoon I have to push the dicipline, since I've already had a few hours outside in the sun!

Thursday 29 March 2012

Munching away

For once in a very long time I haven't substituted breakfast, lunch OR dinner for anything. And for an evening snack I am eating red grapes. Aaaah, I feel good about myself. Curious about tomorrow...


Today is really not as hot, but I spent some time in the park anyways. I'm aiming for a nice pre-summer tan to be honest. Not that I get very tanned in general, I just though it would be nice.

And I have find myself really enjoying the practicing of sight reading. I know that's really geeky, but one I start practice it I really enjoy it. Then the probem is to start the practice session first.

Now I'm gonna go out and get some ingredience for lunch.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

bed of roses

For each day that goes by, your life becomes shorter.
Life has no suprises, weekends has been dull and boring.
When you feel tired, when you are feeling blue.
Take a few minutes break from all your routines,
put on some happy music and dance yourself away
from your sadness. Make life feel like a dance on roses.

Get a life

So today one of the trainers at the gym said to me:

"You know there's life outside the gym"

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just went and did some more chin-ups instead. Then I walked in the sun to Westminister and took the bus from there.

Mentally I am not focused at all to start practicing modes and shit, so I'll just chill for a moment and see how it goes a bit later on.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

For some reason I'm quite tired. I'm a morning person, but I find it so hard to wake up in the mornings.

Monday 26 March 2012


I got to Skype with both my dad and my friend Emilie today. I can't wait to go back home and see them. I was thinking I wasn't gonna go to the gym after having such a lovely chat with my friend, but after all the talking about training I just really WANTED to train.

And so I did. And I'm gonna train every day until I go back to Sweden. Unless I'm hungover, because I learned today that it's actually dangerous to train with alcohol in your system.

I can't believe 3 years ago I would be waking up at 6 am after a party and go for a proper 5 km run before going to school or work. Not really what I do now. But, I can't wait to train tomorrow too!

so funny

Today, my Asian parents and I went to burger king. When it came to the drinks, my dad said, “cock and no ass.” I had to explain to the horrified cashier that he meant, “coke no ice.

- FMyLife

so funny

Today, my Asian parents and I went to burger king. When it came to the drinks, my dad said, “cock and no ass.” I had to explain to the horrified cashier that he meant, “coke no ice.

- FMyLife

keep is loose

Haha, so didn't leave the house.. I ended up eating, which is good, and singing, which is fun. Now I'm gonna sing some more and then head to the gym. Yes!.


I just have to leave the house. I will go crazy, and I have already studied. Well, bye now.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Wonderful place

The world really is a wonderful and small place. On my way home from the gym I met a co-worker from Sweden. What is the odds, really?! Anyways, it was really nice and we took the same train from Westminister as well. I think that made my day.

For the rest of the trip I was sneak listening to some american girls with guy problem. Then I realized, I miss that a bit. Not the guy problems, but that friend that genuinly listens... I'm actually not sure I have one here. I have Steve, my bf, but who do I go to when we are the one having problems?
I've been a good girl. Time to be a great girl and go to the gym.

good happy morning

So the clock is one hour ahead today, nice! But I do feel that I slept for way to long. Well, ten hour is quite long anyways. But today I feel fresh. I don't wanna study ever again if the weather is gonna be like this, but hey. Study now, go easier during the term, or chill now, go mental during term. Just a matter och choices....

Saturday 24 March 2012

help I'm alive

The dinner did not make me feel better. I think the opposite. And now I'm so bored yet can't be asked to do anything. Plus, my reharm sounds like shit. What is wrong with me? I feel braindead and stupid for not getting it together.


So I ate all the chocolate and took a measure of my thighs. 2 cm bigger than last year. I know I'm a bit of a freakazoid, but yeah, that's me. Anyways. I will go to the gym tomorrow and havea good good session. No more classes, because most of them are a waste of time.

And now I'm thinking that it might be time for some food, but the day after drinking does not make my appetite very big. I guess I'll have to practice my dicipline now, and I know I will feel great after a meal.

me no wanna go home

Sun is good for the soul. It's so depressing to go back inside unless the sun has not gone down yet. But I can def. see that these two weeks won't be as productive as I want them to be unless I put the strap on now.


Haha, just realized I was blogging about last night, last night already. You gott love the spelling skills when you're drunk. Probably took me forever to get that down as well...


Think I'm gonna sit outside and practice my sightreading. Feels like the best thing to do at the moment.

feed them livers

I went to the pub with some school mates. We were suppose to go to a BBQ, but after 4 pints i was in no shape to go anywhere anymore. I actually missed my tube station, that has only happenes ones before, like five years ago. Fortunately I woke up the station after and could walk home.

Bought so much chocolate that I didn't really wanna eat, and then got munchies for chrisps. Went to bed and woke up at 6 am. Of course.. But then eventually I could and now I'm telling you about my drunken evening.

I've been drinking so much water, because that's all I get as a hungover - the feeling of dehydration, and just being very hot all the time. Now I could go on complaining about that too, but I'm pretty lucky.

Friday 23 March 2012


God, looking at the clock it's not even twelve... I'm ashamed. PASSED OUT!

tescos chips ending the day.

So i met up with some people from school today, and we were gnna go to this bbw together. Eeryone ended up really drunk and I put Elin in a taxi and myself on the tube, eventually. I fell asleep and woke up in Fulham (one stop further away from me) and I felt sorry for myselft and baought chocoate. I don't relaly fnacy any, but now I have enought for a whole week.

Og well. I found some chrips and I am still as drunk. Until tomoorrow, have a good one. Bye.

not quite what I wanted.

Today's Yoga class at the gym was terrible. I was actually not feeling eased or relaxed at all. All I could think about it how bad it was and I was constantly watching the clock. It really felt that I had wasted my time. But It's good that I'm trying some classes out, because then I know that I can train myself better alone.

Oh well...

I slept out big time today. Woke up at 11 and it was just amazing to feel fresh. And now I'm heading to a BBQ in a bit. I have no idea how to find the place, but hey, it coud be worse.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Come on, not yet.

One thing I have realized. All these people on my fb friend list that eighter have a kid, two kids, kids on the way or if not they have at least a dog which they treat like a baby... I don't wanna be sentimental or sound cynical or anything, but it feels way way to early for this to be happening.


I had my amazingly tasty dinner, and then I ate the last sweet my friend sent me. I must say, at the end of the day I would pick food over sweets anytime. Tomorrow. Yes. Tomorrow.. Change is near.

Last one.

Yes, I ate it all.
I know, I'm a pig.


Finally, everything is done and handed in. It took me some time, but here we are. I'm gonna celebrate with some home cooked food. I realized now that I haven't had a hot meal in many days. I think sometime in the middle of last week, when my mum was here was the last time.

So this break is not only a study hard ant get shit together early time. It's aslo sort my bad eating habit out. I am a bit concerned.

clean your mess

So my bf house mate came home drunk, with company last night. I don't mind at all, since they didn't disturb me what so ever. But the MESS left today when he went to see his parents for two days... Not okay! Now I'm just gonna leave it there, add some extra, and write a list of all the things that needs to be sorted out and have two fab days in the spring.
There went one hour, and I started to change/add things on the clip I already stated done yesterday. I have to sleep if I want to finish this on time tomorrow. Good night!

don't you have something better to do?

I've spent so much time watching random videos on the internet. Now it's half past one, maybe I should try to finish my composition now? 30 min, then I call it finished, no matter what.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Help me!

Oh God, this is the third one today.
After I finished what I have in the fridge, I'll take another white month from chocolate. Actually, from any sweets, (exept Saturdays)

So close I can taste it.

I'm so close to be done with my composition now. It almost tickles how close I am. And I've realized that I am stalling it a bit. It's like I can't wait for it to be over, but I don't want it to be ocer just yet. I didn't think I would like this assignment, but I have really enjoyed it. But enough to want to do AV Sync next year? No. For me it's performance or no study at all.

Don't it feel good?

Even the evening is lovely today. It's amazing what the spring does to people. I feel seriously happy, and I don't have a lot of worries in my body. Aaah, nice.


It is days like this I love living in London. Sunny, warm and relaxed.

I only had one class today which involved getting feedback and just talking in general. In general we didn't get a grade I think we deserved, but we also didn't get the feedback for it eigher, everything was very dull and vague.

I went to the gym where I took two classes. They weren't amazing, but it was nice for a change. And then I walked in the sun to Waterloo, took a bus and jumped off at Sloan Square and walked home, in the sun. Amazing.

Today I'm only gonna focus on the composition that has to be handed in tomorrow. Then it's over for this term. NICE!
Almost overslept, woops

Tuesday 20 March 2012


When thinking about it... the only food I had today was one egg and one avocado for lunch. Everything before, inbetween and after has been sweets, chocolate and snack bars. I actually roasted some veggies before heading to the gym, but I couldn't be asked to eat them when I got back, so they sit in the fridge until I can control myself again, hopefully tomorrow.

God, what have I become?


For the first time since I joined the gym I went to one of those classes you can sign up for. I quite liked it, but advanced pilates was not advanced enough, so I had to do my own workout after.

I'm thinking... I'm gonna finish the sweets, chocolate and other sugary stuff I have at home and then I'm gonna go all in for beach 2012. I need a challenge, and I think that will have to be it.


I just picked up a package from Sweden. My friend sent me half a kilo of sweets. But not just any sweets. Some of my favourite ones. OH YES, it's a Tuesday feast. Thank you sooooo much Buzz. I would send you a gift I have for you, but I rather come and hand it over myself, in two weeks!!

Monday 19 March 2012


I can't believe I just finished a whole chocolate bar in like 5 min. And I mean the 120 gram ones... It was freaking tasty though.

good day

I had a really nice day actually.
My exam could have gone better, but it could also have gone way worse than what it did. What can I say, that class in not my moment of prime.

Instead I had a great one to one with my teacher. Loved it. And I love that the second building is so quiet at that time too.

I've been signing songs, just randomly for like one hour. I think that's a sign of happiness, and that stress is coming off my shoulders. NICE!

Plus, the avocado I just had for dinner was in perfect condition.
Good day... good day....

here comes the sun

Last week of this term. Feels quite nice actually. I'm looking forward to next term a lot. And I'm looking forward to the summer. Today is a nice sunny day, so it makes it even more fun to go to school.

Sunday 18 March 2012

growing older

I think that today for the first time ever I am drinking a beer, alone, at home. No, that has never happened before.


Gym was awesome. My body is completely out of energy right now. So I better cook something before I fall asleep. I have too much to do, so that wouldn't be a good idea.


I think i just completely finished one of my AV Sync clips. I was thinking about ditching it and start another one, but I'm so happy I did't abandon it and now I actually really like it. Nice one.

I'll treat myself with a visit at the gym.
Hope I can do the same with the second clip when I get back.

live and learn

So I wake up just before 7 am and feel ready to start the day, but then think, "ah, maybe I should sleep another hour". Then, again, I'm wrecked. I didn't get out from bed until 9.30.

Next time I'll just go up the first time I wake up.
But then again, I think I needed a little sleep in.

Saturday 17 March 2012


Just spent some time with the bff and his girfriend in the city, strolling around in malls. Really nice and quite relaxing, even though it was loads of people out.

I got my sight reading book, and it's written by Mike Campbell. A teacher at Musicians Institute in Hollywood. He's mostly famous for being the guitar player in the band Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. I actually went to one of his classes and had an nice little chat with the man, without actually knowing who he was...

Now I'm gonna spend my St. Patrick's day Saturday at home, eating chocolate and arranging. I'm content.
Studying is going well and today, finally, I'm gonna buy a sight reading book. I can't believe I'm actually quite excited about that.

Ever since my mum went back to Sweden the wether has been so boring and quite cold. I was planning on sitting out on the steps studying in the sun on my days off. But not today...
Woke up as usual just before seven. Was awake until around eight and though, eh, I'm gonna sleep for another hour. I'm a wreck. Time for breakfast and then some heavy practicing.

Friday 16 March 2012

another day, another song

Finally today is over. Well, I'm staying up until I'm done sorting out my four part harmony shit. Then I will sleep like a baby. Today was hard, it really was, I'm glad it's over.

come already

Things sometimes gets to the point where they go from sad to pathetic. And you kind of can't do anything about them but to laugh.

I can't wait for the next chapter. This is so exciting.

I'm over it.

Today quickly turned into a pretty shit day.

I'm so tired of people being selfish for the wrong reasons. I'm not saying I'm not selfish, we all are, but it actually comes times where you just don't think about yourself in the first place. That's all I have to say.

Staying here

Last night was amazing! Even though I messed up my verses I do think it went well, so I'm happy. Two beers got me tipsy, nice one.

Today i wanna stay in bed, but I figure I will be bored within one hour.

Thursday 15 March 2012

aaah, nice day.

Off went my mum and soon am I off to the last band rehearsal before the gig, that is tonight!

Sat in the sun with my mum for over one hour today. We ate strawberries and had such a nice time! :)

Right now I'm not feeling it for tonight, but I'm sure I will once we've gone through the set and are getting ready for the night.

And also. My friend from Israel and his friends will make it to the gig. I'm so excited for that. It has been a bit over two years since we said goodbye at Morro de Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

you better hold on

Today was great. Went shopping with my mum and then made some swedish food before i headed off to rehearsal.

I have to say that it's tiring going out from the everyday habbit. So I find these days, where I'm not studying or practicing, harder to get through than the days where I study my brains out.

Oh well, I'm really not complaining, it's nice to have someone here that kind of forces you to live normal for a few days. Just know this weekend is not gonna be much fun.

Sunday 11 March 2012


Gah, just about done with my double bass arrangement. Save and go to sleep. I hope I can sleep with all the sugar running through my veins.

you can do better

So it has been 11 days since I started eating chocolate again and I do think I covered all lost ground from Ferbruary.

I'm sitting here thinking if I should feel disgusted over my sugar intake for tonight or just leave it to be and pretend it didn't happen.

I was gonna have it there tomorrow so that my mum could have some. To be honest, I don't dare to go buy more.

I'm thinking...

Am I impressive, or just sick?

Glory Box

I still have some shit to practice that I didn't get done earlier today, but I'm doing my composition. It's to frustrating when I'm almost there. I just can't figure it out.

I just realized that I almost ate two bags of M&M's, again. Thank go I ran 30 min on the treadmil earier today. Maybe I should just give it up forever, because I just don't have any dicipline and I will never get it eighter. At least not when it comes to sweets. And I think that is the only thing that will stop me from beachbody 2012. Nah, who am I kidding? I won't stop for nothing. Well, maybe for diabetes.

BUT, for the first time in a long time my abs are hurting. I find it so hard to get soar abs when you train regularly, so I'm trying to alternate my workouts more often, especially for the core. And now I found this 15 min long program from P90X, called "The Ab-Ripper". Haha, I love it.

What else? Yeah, my mum is coming tomorrow. We had a long annoying talk on Skype tonight. But mostly it was nice.

Well, I better continue.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Sweet man

Today was so sweet!!

Rehearsal went well and we all just felt that the hope for the gig is there. We are gonna get it together and it's gonna sound sweet!

And since it was such a nice day out today I ended up walking from London Bridge to Hyde Park Corner. I walked about 4 miles (6,5 km) in just over one hour. So nice, so nice. And I guess I deserved the whole chocolate bar I just ate. Life is good.
I should really be thinking about filling the house with food. There is hardly anything I can eat here. Hm, yes. Today is the day.

Friday 9 March 2012

ts all good

Alright. I was extreamly weird today.
But that's alright.

I realize more and more that I have to work on my was of getting my words out. My friends thinks I'm always angry at them and strangers thinks I'm a bitch. So I'm gonna try to talk more, eh, "nicely and polite" from now on. Biggest challenge of my life.

And I tried a new work out today. 20 min and I was dead.
Plus I have some serious training study to do. I just got home P90X from Man, some serious shit there.

Thursday 8 March 2012

time to update

I'm considering to watch Robocop. Or maybe take a shower.

My dinner today was one carrot and some almost old homus.
I know it wasn't a lot, but the other carrot was already mouldy.


Internet is sucking balls.

Today was good and not too good. Well, I feel very emotionless today so I just don't feel anything. Anyways.. got feedback on my composition, and I thought I was almost done, but I wasn't really. But now I think I am almost done, just those 6-8 last bars again.

Haven't practiced anything today, feel kind of shit, but there are days like this and there are days like tomorrow. And tomorrow is not far away.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

almost there

So I have about 6 bars to finish with my second composition. Six bars, and I'm stuck. Well, I'm gonna leave it for now, come back to it, and then show the teacher tomorrow. I'm excited for the feedback.

Time to practice everything else that's on the list.
I have post-its everywhere to remind me of... well, everything.


Just found out that we're having out gig on Thursday next week. Kind of sucks, since my mum is going back to Sweden that day. But it is what it is.

I went to the gym today, it has almost been a week. I did my very first schedule I got when I started going to the gym when I was 19 maybe. I hate it and love it. It's really intense, but it goes through the whole body in one hours time.

Well, I'm gonna try to study and practice a lot tonight. Right now I lack of energy to do anything, but I need to get things done.


I had the weirdest morning. I woke up at 5.50 feeling fresh, but I though it would be good to get one more hour of sleep. But then I was just laying there. And somehow I fell back into sleep, but it was like I had gone up from bed and started the day. And I must have only slept another half hour, but it felt like half of the day was gone.

And then of course I was really tired and had my alarm set for every ten minutes for almost another hour. Great.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

I'm back!

I can sing again, even though it's weak. I'm so happy!

Time to practice!

Monday 5 March 2012

Just atcho it out!


As today went I felt less and less clouded in my head. But now I don't know. I'm sure it will be fine tomorrow. Or at least so I tell myself. Maybe another steam session before I go to bed.

Composition in coming together nicely too, I wonder is the teacher thinks the same. Thursday will reveal.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Who could ask for anything more?

I did not study any more.. ended up on YouTube and on Google to find new work outs... I'm kind of bored of my schedule and need to find something inspiring. I think I did, just have to wait until I feel really fresh again.

And I've been steaming as hell. Hopefully litterally.
So now I'm not talking anymore for today.
Good night.

I got daisies in green pastures

Aaaah, I did a very brave atempt to sing, again, and... the biggest fail ever.

So I'm gonna go back to do something else. Like eartraining and composition. I usually don't sing a lot at home now a days. But when I can't it's the only thing I want to do..

Just writing.

I ended up staying in my PJ's today as well... When I looked out and it was pouring, there was not a single cell in my body that said against me when I thought I can wait for that book two more days.

So I'm spending more time with myself and my composition. When I knew this task was coming, I was scared and I thought; "how am I gonna pull this one off?". Well, I must say that I'm quite enjoying it, even though it's going slow as usual. Plus, it has making me listening to inspiring music, long forgotten.


I can't believe I have about half of my second composition done. Well, it's not gonna be easy to finish the rest, since I'm gonna put in more instruments and change small details in the melody. Well.

I think I'm gonna try to sing again soon. But, not to be negative, I doubt it will work. I wish this could have waited another two weeks to come.

boring morning news

Morning! Status update of how I feel have to wait for a bit. I just don't know how I feel yet.

Today I'm gonna eb super productive, and I'm gonna leave the nest at some point. It's time to buy myself some sight reading books. I just can't make myself to practice otherwise.

And today, even though I might not be able to sing, I'm gonna practice out HR songs for next week. I don't know how that is gonna work out, since I haven't even tried to speak yet. Taking it slow this morning.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Sick Transcription Saturday

When sick, don't go out, don't hang out with friends, don't watch films, don't sleep, don't feel bad about yourself. Instead! Do something boring, like boring hard transcription projects. BUUAH!


I feel worse, but at least I'm clean.

I changed the bed sheets, so didn't have any opption but to shower. I was looking forward to my Sunday shower. You know, washing off all the negative from the gone week. Whatever bullshit.

I just realized it sounds like I'm only showering on Sundays. I wish that was the case, but it's not. I'll consider it though.

I wanna scream, but I'm afraid that no one else will hear me

I'm getting bored of today.

I do think my composotion idea might work out. I just need to fill it with the right ingrediences.

Anyways, I tried to sing. What can I say? It sounded like it was something evil living inside my troat leaving me with not much of a voice left to work with. So for now I'm gonna focus on the things that doesn't require a whole lot of singing. Maybe I should take that shower?


I woke up at 7 am today as well. But I haven't really left the bed I have to admit. I been taking it easy because I don't feel very well, yet working on my composition.

I've started my second one now. I don't quite know if I'm gonna be able to pull it off, and I'm kind of writing without a proper plan. I'm trying to use all different kinds of tribal and latin and, you know, intrumets form all over. but most of the Sibelus different percussion sound, doesn't sound like the wanted intrument at all.

Oh well...

Yesterday I got the comment; "You haven't washed your hair in a while, have you?"
No, I have not. I think it might have been a week soon, and then adding hair wax and saltspray... Therefore I'm gonna consider one for today. Or tomorrow maybe.

Friday 2 March 2012

That's me in the corner

After today I have som hope for my song. But it hurt every second I had to sing, and I think we kept going for at least 1,5 hours. And it didn't sound nice eighter :(

Well, I'm gonna rest my voice today and start fresh tomorrow.
Anyone with tips how to quick treat a soar troat?

something's coming down

Woke up feeling a but under the weather today. My troat has been soar since two nights ago, and now it's a bit worse. Other than that I don't feel sick, just my troat that is annoying.

Oh well, today I woke up at 7 and felt fresh fo start the day. Nice one. Time to practice.