Tuesday 28 February 2012

pump it up

Feels like ages ago since I went to the gym. I think is was Friday, but I'm not sure.

Monday 27 February 2012

get your act together

Today was really good.
I did okay in my hatered class and was assigned a "gold star". It wasn't great, but at least you could tell I've done my homework and I put some effort in it. So I'm gonna put some effort into next weeks song as well..

Then we had the module talk for the third year. Songwriting and performance. I definitely wants to do perfomance, and I just got another kick in the ass to work harder and practice more. Off I go!

Then of course I didn't eat since 11.30 am, and now it's 8 pm, so I was feeling slightly on the endge of gettign grumpy. And of course the guy at home wasn't feeling like a sunshine, so... yeah... you know...

good girl

Good productive morning. Two hours of practicing and I have yet another hour before I'm gonna have some food and head to school.

Taking away milk from my porridge in the morning solved my flem-problem, I think, because I don't have any problems now. But I have to say, porrigde is not as yummy without. Oh the things we sacrifice...

Sunday 26 February 2012

Sunday night out

Going to Madame Jojo's to see my friends play.
And of course for some burlesque.

freak house

I got a creepy cleaning spasm. You know when you even dust off everything and then whipe everything twice and your hands get super dry. Well.. at least it's clean for the week. I've noticed that Sundays really has become my cleaning day. I didn't food shop, so I guess that this week I will not eat as much food as last week, but that is probably for the best.

it's all a blurr

My weekends aren't filled with much fun lately. I mean, I get things done, and I'm realxing and stuff. But life is suppose to be fun too! Tonight I'm going to see my friends playing at a burlesque bar. I can't really afford it, but what the hell, right?

Before that, more studies, more practicing, cleaning the house and food shop. YES!

Interesting horrible morning

I just had first row for a traffic accident. A car hit a biker.

The guy on the bike was first laying there motionless, but he's alright.
There ended up coming four medic cars, two police cars and one fire car.

It could have ended really bad since the guy landed with his head/back on the edge of the sidewalk, but eventually he stood up. His biker friend freaked out and went to the driver and punched him. Then the biker friend was the one that ended up sitting in the police car.

The fire fighters put some kind of sand on the street where the smashed motor bike was leaking. The police was conducting the traffic and the guy hitting the biker is probably late for a ceremony or a party, all dressed up.

And then it was me looking out my window and a lady on the street that stayed to watch the whole thing.

This roundabout have so many accidents that I'm amazed that they haven't put up street lights, like from the start.

Saturday 25 February 2012

proven wrong

Yesterday I got a message from the guy from Israel that I met in the beginning of my trip to Brazil. He informed me that he will come to London along with a Uni group. Can you imagine? I get to see someone I saw for two weeks, over two years ago, again. The thing is that he and this other guy from Ecuador were the two people that made a huge impact on me, so I was so happy when I heard that he's coming. I don't think I dared to believe I would see eighter of them again. There are not many times when you enjoy being proved wrong.


I just watched Immortals. It was okay. I should get some more practicing done now too.


Okay, seriously... time to get out from this house. Now, if I could I would go to the store and get me some chocolate. But I have three more days to get through before that can happen. I am soooo looking forward to it right now, but I guess that's because I should get some dinner in my belly soon.

not just yet

I should probably be thinking about changing my PJ's and leave the house to return a film and get some food. Hm, maybe later. I mean, I already missed the sun and the shinyness, so now I can wait a bit more.

I like my work

So my composition is coming together nicely if you ask me. I'm gonna bring it in and show him this Thursday. I have to keep telling myself that I like my work and whatever he says will not hurt my ego.

I'm telling you, it's scary to show something you've done. Especially if this is the first thing you've actually created, music-wise, ever.


I can't find words for this documentary I just saw. The Icelandic scenary, the music, the humlbe band. I'm inspired.

at home

I'm taking a break from studying and practicing to watch "Heima", a music documantary about the band Sigur Ros. Good Saturday!

Friday 24 February 2012


Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary Bernadotte

It's funny that I find this amusing to watch. But then again, it's amazing that you are able to follow things like this, they are after all historical.

Apparently there's only 1000 people with the name Estelle in Sweden, I wonder how many will have that name in a year.

It's a girl!

So the Swedish princess just got her baby. I'm listening to the live broadcast for some reason. They are talking about what name the baby girl is gonna get. And the stylist of the princess. I have no idea why I'm listening, but yeah... it's inbetween my practicing.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Sleep tight.

Today my great grandmum finally got to go to sleep.

101,5 years.

We can't blame you for being tired.

I will always remember you, you were so special.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

juuust chillin'

So tiday I have been taking it really easy for some reason.
Yesterday I was horrified that my voice didn't work properly. I've had some flem problems a few weeks now, but yesterday beated everything. Soo today I've been trying out some new vocal exercices and I think so far so good.

Eh yeah... I do feel that I should have gotten more done, and now I'm even gonna skip the gym before band practice. I will have a nice run on the treadmil after, when all the working bees have gone home.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Sunday Roast

Today I had lunch at Hard Rock Café with my mums old friend and her daughter. It was really nice and I really enjoyed my meal. I didn't quite feel like cooking when I got home, but I just got to it and now I have food for the rest of the week. NICE!

Tonight I have been singing. I haven't been singing in such a long time. I mean, I singevery day, but singing the things I like to sing and along with artist that actually made me want to sing to start with.

My voice is so tired and I think I strained quite a bit, but hey. I love it.

Down the street where I live

Nice that they are cutting down trees now...
Oh wait, there are trees in London.
Maybe they are cutting down all the street lights then.
And drilling a whole in the street too.
Good to know that workers can multitask though.

Where is my headphones when I need them?

reharm farm

So again, what I though sounded nice didn't sound as nice today. But I think I sorted that out now.

I just couldn't wake up this morning, not until I got a text from that swedish woman and her kid. They invited me to eat at Hard Rock today. How can I say no to that?

Anyways, loads to do now. Later aligator.

harm this

Reharm's a bitch. So theory wise I'm cool with the thing. But when it comes to put the voicings down... I was out on a bike ride. Well, I just figure I'll put it straight into Sibelius and hear before I do loads of work.

Oh well, it's sounding quite nice now... the 5 bars I've manage to get done.

Saturday 18 February 2012

growing old

So I could be on my way to a party... But I chose to stay in watching Family Guy and writing on my reharm-project. I know I might sound boring. I just don't want to drink, or have to spend two hours on night buses home in the middle of the night, then wake up a bit too late and not have the energy to study tomorrow. But have fun guys!

period of the period

I got a message from my cousin, regarding my post about women and our PMS. I have to say that the whole hormone thing is quite interesting, even though I would rather skip it for the rest of my fertile life.

As I said to her, I think most women that is commiting a murder has to be in a bad week of their cycle, meaning, the "PMS week". Of course they have to have something else wrong inside their heads, but I'm sure the hormones are the tipping over reason.

Anyways, I don't speak to my cousin like I used to. But I'm glad that we can still agree on important topics like this.

So to conclude this ones and for all. The only good thing about menopause is the end of PMS. But then comes the unwanted sweatings and the extra expences on lube and shit like that. Women are just so lucky.

At your service

I just got home from the city. Met up with my mum's old friend and her daughter that is applying for LCCM next year. I was happy to help out with questions, and I was even happier for a good reason to leave the house for the day.

Anyways, it was nice.

I'm not a cry baby, I'm THE cry baby

Yesterday I started to cry when I got home from school. Band practice was the same as on Wednesday, half of the people came, and I found out that the transcription song I started on was the only song I couln't pick since the teacher a score with just that song before I moved up in class.


So what finally made me cry and feel sorry for the earth was that I was super hungry and that my bf made a joke. Plus that he said that I've had PMS for so many years and that I should be able to handle it. Well, news for all men out there. It's not really in our hands to manage, that's why we have PMS, pre-menstrual-sympthoms. So even though we are aware of what is causing this childish behaviour it doesn't change anything. We still are under the spell. Some are more extreme than others...

Well, he took me to a burger place and then everything was fine again.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Make up

I know pms is here when I get emotional for everything and cry as easy as a baby with colic. Well, I'm cool now, but I'm afraid this drama film we're about to watch is gonna change that.

fuck sake

I don't like fighting at all. But when someone is saying I'm in a way I'm not it's not ending up in a happy way. Just because I'm tired and my face doesn't show any excitement doesn't mean I'm not. I'm just tired, so instead of making the call of my mood, maybe talk and try to understand. That's all.

I'm serious

My whole body is so tired from all the hard training lately, and I guess I don't fill is up with enough fuel. It's almost that feeling when you wake up sick and can't really move.

But since I'm in bed and can use my brain instead, I'm prouctive with my composition shit. I'm almost there with the first film clip. Yes! And the best part is that I like what I've done too.

It's such a nice day out too, I'm really enjoying the actual daylight instead of having the lamps on, too bad I have to be inside though.

need a paus

I'm feeling a bit tired now after training. I mean, I think I need a day off from the gym soon, maybe the whole weekend actually. A weekend starting on Saturday.
I'm tired like a freaking monster. Timw to meet Elin at the gym.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

it's all good

Yo yo. Today continued to be good. I definitely made my friend sweat at the gym. It was fun! As for that we're going at 9 am tomorrow morning too.

Then band practice was good, even though only 4 people out of 10 showed up. I ended up playing the keys.

Well... this week is coming to en end already it feels like, so tomorrow and the rest of the days I will get going with all the shit coming up. I will not fail my list!

oh yes

Today I feel very content for some reason. I don't know why, but I can't really complain. I didn't study any more, but I had a nice conversation with my mum and then with the bf.

I realize that it's already Wednesday and I feel that I need to get shit done now. That's why I made a list that shouldn't be too hard to compleate by Sunday night.

Anyways. I'm heading... yes... to the gym. You know me too well by now. But today I'm gonna train my friend Elin. I'm really excited for some reason. I'm gonna make sure she can't walk properly tomorrow. Muhaha!
And then I got hyper active and started to clean.


I've been a good girl practicing for 1,5 hour. I should probably practice 1,5 hour more, but right now I can't be asked. I think I'm gonna wake the bf up with some breakfast.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

food for thoughts

Today I heard that on this blog I'm always complaining, but that I seem very happy otherwise. That made me think a bit.

I'm 1. Pretending to be happy
or 2. Just have this really bitter image because I think it's fun.
or 3. Just a general bitch that doesn't care.
or 4. This whole "anger management"-shit really does work.

To be honest I don't really know. But it was worth thinking about.

You get some, you lose some

I went to my bf's restaurant with Kalina yesterday. We deserved a treat and a kick off for this weeks studying.

So now, before band practice, I have to go to the gym and run off that tasty panna cotta I had for dessert. Totally worth two hours of heavy sweating.

It was nice, now take me back

So this is my new hair. And as you can see (or not see) it wasn't a huge success. But then again, I hate new cut hair. All smooth and "perfect". I love going to the hairdresser though, but I always hate it when I leave.

I'm not bitter, this is just the case, everytime I go. So as always, as soon as I round the corner I put the bouncy little curls up in a bun and pretend that everything is normal.

Next time I wanna treat myself I'll just go to a musical.

Monday 13 February 2012


Half an hour of eartraining and 15 minutes of modes and chords. It's boring as fuck, but it really has made me improve a lot the last two months. I'm happy. Now I'm bored. Going to the gym then meet up with Kalina for some girly night.


So todays rehearsal is not happening. I knew it long time ago, but now it's a fact. I just can't be asked anymore.

Any my composition is not coming together as i want. I think I might just eat some more porridge. Just because I'm still in my PJ's. Yes, 1.58 pm

music makes you lose control

So I actually think my composition for the first film clip is gonna turn out good. I just have to figure out how to modulate back down and resolv it. But I guess it's all in how I want to hear it, no methods really.

As for later today I have still no idea wether we have band practice or not since most people can't make it and I'm wating for another answer. But I can't chase people down, but I'm not gonna sit and wait and not plan my day for it eighter.

Sunday 12 February 2012

A part of my world

Eh, my visit to the city became much longer than expected. It's now almost 8 pm, that's more or less six hours I have been away.

Well, I met up with the very nice and hard working man I'm living with for a short but sweet lunch, then I went to tourist street nr. 1 and treated myself with some new underwear and a top, and then some food for the fridge.

I bus ride home was so amazing. Everyone was so helpful and kind. A woman had a kid and a baby which another woman had in her lap. I thought they were friends, but nope. Then a man helped the woman installing her trolley before jumping off the bus. Then this reallt weird english man started to talk to another couple that were from Spain. Then he started to ask people where they came from and spoke their laguages too. Apparently he knew about 9 of them. Well. I had a good time. Now it's time for dinner.

What to do now?

Okay, so I didn't like what I did yesterday. I didn't like it at all. Well, at least not for the film clip I was writing it for. But what I did today sounds way better. Now I'm at the same position as yesterday.

Gym or no gym?
Or maybe a trip into the city?

Hm, I need to get out from the hours for a bit, that's for sure. And I kind of need lunch.

Good moning, indeed.

Good morning.

I just sleep so well when I'm training, it's amazing. But after watching that shitty series I kind of have weird dreams. But still, I sleep well, so it's okay.

To my porridge I just watched my second, ever, episode of Family Guy. For so long I stayed away, but now I have to admit that it's kind of brilliant.

Well, it's time to do my daily eartraining and vocal technique, then go back to trying to compose some shit.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Gym was great. I love it when it's not busy.

Now I'm done with my dinner and should study again, but I'm gonna watch an episode of a shitty series before I think.

Oh I forgot that I need to eat another meal later. Hmm, food shopping then? Naah...


So I did start on my film music shit, then I did some vocal excercieses and eartraining. Hmm, I don't know, I need to get to the gym and back and see if I like my creation.

Oh, and I'm on day 11 of no chocolate. These past two days I've eaten other shit stuff, but it dosen't do the work. So might just stay of that as well.

Well. Gym time.

Emily, the film music composer

So it's about to be 11 am and I feel that I can't drag my studying for much longer. I just always feel that it's a bit scary to start a new project. And this one will be my compleate own creation. Do I trust myself in this? Maybe not, but I have to give it a go, right?


So from today we're off until the week after the next. Oh people did need this, I need this. But this doesn't mean that we can dance on roses. So much to catch up on. But at least we can do it whenever we want during the day..

Wednesday 8 February 2012

coming down

So all this relaxing in the sofa infront of series and films has given me a head ache. Well, I guess I'll just go to bed.

Btw, I want chocolate. And every time I eat something (food) I just want it even more. So maybe I just shouldn't eat at all, just to make it easier for myself? Aaah, only 20 more days.

Chilling on the sofa a cold Wednesday night

Just saying hi.

Sunday 5 February 2012

tired derit.

So the gym session today was great. I fell straight into a deep sleep on the tube for about 15 min. I was so tired when I was walking home from the foodstore too.

And now I'm so tired after eating my roasted vegs.

I have to get ready for my friends gig tonight. Aaaah, tired.

lay in

Wet snow here in London. Haha just this moment was the first time I looked out from the window since I got home yesterday.

I've had a great sleep in. At first I was planning on going up at 8 am as usual, but then I though, I'm tired and this is my day off, why should I feel bad if I stay in bed for another hours and a half? Well. I slept in, and then I watched three episodes of Supernatural, the shittiest series on earth.

Now It's time to practice some 4 part harmony shit and then I'm heading to the gym.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Leave me no room for doubt

Today I practiced peoples, including my own, arrangements for about 6 hours. It's fun, but it's a bit stressful since we started practicing everything quite late since people hadn't finished their. But if you say yes, you deliver, at least the best as you can.

So tomorrow I'm gonna practice. I can't wait to practice my own stuff. Practice for myself, an of course. Get starting with whatever else hard shit I have to hand in soon too...

Friday 3 February 2012

Doo Wah

Friday. Not much to say, just loads of practicing. And I managed to pop by the gym too.

heat is up

I've spent most of my morning practicing four part harmonies and watching film clips we have to write music for. It's not that I don't like singing harmonies, I really do, but this composition assignment is scaring the shit out of me and I just wanna get started. I think that has to be handed in in like a months time too, and I haven't started on one even.

Oh well.. This will soon be over and I can start worrying more after Monday.

And yes, lately I've been doing everything by the radiator. Eating, studying, getting ready for school... Can't wait for the "Russian" cold to pass.

Thursday 2 February 2012

ready to move on

So today was long but still pretty fun I guess. I got to record vocals in the studio and I had a lot of fun, and it went pretty well considering I never heard the song before.

Then hours and hours of practice the four part harmony arrangements.
The same shit tomorrow and the same shit on Satuday. Aaaand I guess Sunday as well.

I can't wait for this to be over, I need to start working on other things.

Anyways, I had dinner for the first time since Saturday. A boiled egg and some not enough boiled broccoli, with ketchup of course.

Yeah, life is good.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


It's soooo god damn cold.
This is my standard look when I'm at home...