Friday 13 December 2013

almost there

Got my nutrition case study back, marked  PASS. Check, only need to get results back from anatomy and nutrition theory exam. I'm pretty sure I'll ace through tomorrows viver and practical exam. 

As for todays exam I managed to get there late. Bus took forver to I had to run to the station, get on tube, run between lines and run to the SOHO Gyms in Borough where the exam was held. I was soaked in sweat when I got there. Luckily it wasn't all that hard and I was done in like 15-20 min. 

Now I'm just making sure everything is done for tomorrow. 
Tonight is the staff party, so I have no time for it after I've gone to work at 5pm.

Unlucky Friday

Yo, I'm studying for my nutrition exam I have in about 2 hours. Gonna go well I think. Then I have to finish up the case study and decide on what to wear to the Christmas Gym Party. 

Ok, enough.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Study Study, I need a break

Anatomy test last Friday I can't say much about until I get the result. It can have gone either way to be honest. It wasn't easy. Thank God for the revision day, because I would definitely not have passed without it. 

I spent about 4 hours at the gym trying to sort out my case studies. A good 2,5 hours before work, and about 1,5 hours after work. I am still not done. Things has to be handed in by Saturday, so I need to finish this shit! I still have another session to squeeze in with my case study as well, and I have my Nutrition exam on Friday. 

Come Saturday and I will get drunk and forget about everything I've taken in during these 2,5 months.

Thursday 5 December 2013


Okay, I have been studying for quite a few hours now. At first I was failing most of the quizzes, but now I feel better. Tomorrow we have a few hours of revision with a teacher, and the whole group, so I think that should be enough to pass this exam. 

I hope that I don't forget everything that I have printed into my brain will disappear now when I go to bed. But we'll see tomorrow. Apart from this last week, week and a half, I have actually studied a lot of anatomy. I got this. Here we go.


Today has been a pretty good day. But I have litterally only had porridge at 5.45 am, some chocolate around 10am and then a carrot soup around 2pm. I am starving, so freaking hungry. I need to study but I can't focus.

I trained my case study today again. Really good!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

training and learning

Helping out the PT at the gym today was really good. I learned so so much and I think I got a pretty good workout from it. 

Now I'm gonna head to sleep. I have to wake up at 5.30 tomorrow morning, and I need to be fresh. I have to have focus to study since my anatomy exam is coming up on Friday. 

9 days until my practical. 
God damn!

Good night


Last days of PT course was this weekend. It was good and now I just have exams and case studies to kill. 

I had my first session with my case study yesterday. It was really good actually and I enjoyed it. He's in great pain today, so I'm happy. 

I'm in a very happy place right now, but I'm sooooo looking forward to go back to Sweden for Christmas. I need some family time. And some me time. There are a few things I need to figure out, and I need a change of climate to do so. 

Tomorrow I'm helping one of the PT's out at the gym. Gonna be good, and I will learn so so much from this. So I'm excited.