Saturday 30 July 2011

Off we go

Hey hey hey... this will probably be the last post I'll write for a week.

Leaving for Skåne in about 1,5 hours... gonna be great. I can't wait to show my bf a good time too!

So have a nice week people, see you in a week.

JULY 30 '11

Good morning. Last day of work ahead. I'm even going there early to eat breakfast with one of my co-workers.

I'm happy, because I realized when I woke up this morning that I have a cold. Just like that. Sure it's annoying, but it's not something major.

In about 11 hours we leave for Skavsta, and in about 12 hours I get to sit next to my bf again. It feels like kind of a long time.

Before I leave today I still have three things to tick off my list.

- Pay bills for my mum
- Food shop for the road
- Go to the pharmacy and get my rings

Have a lovely day.

Friday 29 July 2011

Todays hero

Oh and btw... I got a text message today from the hospital. They've used my blood already for a patient. I'm happy that I could help, but seriously people, start giving more blood! Maybe one day you'll be the one needing it.

Promises, swear them to the sky

Hey hello.

I feel a bit better, but sick from all the sweets I've been eating these past two days. Seriously, I take extrem to the next level.

I've been in a weird mood too, and unfortunately my bf has to take all the shit. Sorry babe, I really am.

Eh, yeah, I've cleaned the flat again and it's time to give the flowers some water. Then I'm pretty much set for leaving towards Skåne tomorrow. And tomorrow is the day when my bf finally arrives. We're gonna have so much fun, I can promise that.

So, time to do all the small things you need to do before leaving the house for a few days. So later.

how can it be?

It is really like I'm getting sick? I refuse to be.
I don't feel to good and I' sweating more than normal in the morning.
My throat has now gone from irritated by smoke, to thick and hard to swollow.

Oh well, I guess I have to go and check it out today anyway.
I do not wanna go on vacation tomorrow and feel worse.

Thursday 28 July 2011


The throat is the same as this morning. Fuck sake.

Cooking food instead.

Training extra hard tomorrow then.


I woke up 5.15, feeling all fresh in my mind to go out for a run. Then I tried to swollow, and man it hurts. I guess that how sensitive I am to cigarets. And I wasn't even smoking.

Now I'm forcing down some porridge, but I really don't have any appetite and I feel sick.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

just chillin'

Came home from Dalarö about one hour ago. Went there with Emilie to meet up with an old friend and his friends. Just a very chill afternoon in the sun. I love that place, so in one way it's sad that my dad and stepmum moved away from there, because the summers are just truly amazing! Good thing I still have a friend I can go and see if I feel like it.

Now, it's time for bed.
Going up early for a run tomorrow, no excuses (exept rain) will make me stay in bed.

Have a good night people.

sun, sweat and dirt

Wow it's hard to run in the heat. And to train on top of that, in the mid-day sun... I can just say I'm glad that it's done. And I probably got a nice train gear tanline on top of all. I'm happy, and starving!

like back in the days

Good morning!

I'm up and I feel kind of fresh, haha.
Going out for a run and some working out at the out door gym.

Plans for today might change now when an old friend of mins asked if Emilie and I wanted to come out to Dalarö, where my dad used to live.

Back in the days we had crazy parties over there, since it's in the woods.. far away from the next neigbour. But i am working at 7.30 am tomorrow, so it will probably just be an over day visit. Fine by me, since it's a nice day today.

Tuesday 26 July 2011


We also watched Mulan - one of the best Disney films ever made in my opinion.

Which Disney is your favourite?

take my blood

I met up with my friend Emilie today. We walked around, mostly window-shopping, but we also bought ice cream.

And then, very spontanious, we ended up giving our blood away.
It's actually a great feeling to do something very unselfish.
On the other hand, we got sandwiches and juices, and two gifts.
But then I guess you can not put a price on someone elses life, and I would have done it, with or without gifts.


I'm off tomorrow as well. I think I've got it planned out already.

1. Run to the outdoor gym and train.
2. Search for scholarships.
3. Go to a bar with Emilie.

Oh well... We did bake muffins today and I feel sick, so I think I need to take a hot bath before going to bed. Laters.

pure pleasure

Wow do I love crisp bread with cheese?!
Can you OD on it?

You can go your own way

Went running and training at the out door gym today. It's epic, I love it and I really wish London could follow the same example and buid some gyms in their parks. It's about human health and just like myself, many struggle to affort things that's not rent and travel card, and some food.

I'm still red, and I came home about 30 minutes ago. I guess we can call it good circulation instead of anything else.

" When running up a hill, it's allright to give up as many times as you wish - as long as your feet keep on going." - Dan Millman

Monday 25 July 2011

kind of successful

I thought I was gonna meet people today after work, and I was planning on it too. But then something came up and I ended up having C6 over Skype. Not a too bad night I must say. Now I'm tired and I'm gonna fall asleep to Shawshank Redemtion, just like last night.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Sleeping in

So tired... Don't know why since I overslept for work.

I had a 30 seconds tooth brushing and about 5 second getting dressed in yesterdays clothes before I ran to the tube. On my run I thanked God for blessing me with small boobs, since it probably would have hurt running otherwise.

Plus, I made it, kind of, in time for my first old people session.
That's a skillful, eh, sleep in.

film sunday night

So this seems to go for a late one anyway.... I'm watching Shawshank Redemtion. Again. Such a good film!

yet another Sunday

Hey peeps.

Today was pretty slow at work. I even had a power nap during my lunch break. It was a quite long power nap too. And then the weather got pretty good again too.

I met the Dilf for a bit too. Yes, go back about 1,5 years ago I'm sure there's something about him there and why (even though it's pretty obvious) I call him the Dilf. Anyways, we walked around in the evening sun for a bit. Then it got cold and it was time to go home.

Now I'm home and I feel a bit tired actually.
Maybe I'll try to do one of those early nights...

Saturday 23 July 2011

call it the last refrain.

The difference is not striking, but at least you can tell I have eye lashes now.

Time for bed.

I spy with my little eye

Finally I hoovered the flat. It was such a pig house, thanks mum!

So I'm cleaning the flat in turns... I have one session here and one session there, but now it's starting to look okay. Just some more details to clean, and then before I leave for Skåne next Saturday I will do another hoover and mopping session.

So I'm treating myself with dying my eye-lashes. I have no idea how it will turn out to be, but I might go blind since I got some of the shit in my eyes. Kind of painful.

you shall rest

So yet another celeb has passed away.
This time it was Amy Winehouse.

Friday 22 July 2011


Eh, so yeah.... the beans ended up in the bin. Uneatable. Too bad, beacuse now I have rice but no beans.... Need my lunchbox!

galla pinto, or not

Maybe another half hour and the beans will be okay... Has only taken about three hours by now...

Oh, I need to cook rice too, otherwise my lunch box won't be complete tomorrow.


So yeah, I'm still cooking my beans.... CLEARLY I did wrong.

cool beans

So I've been cooking some beans for probably two hours now. Still no good. And yes, I did soak them for over 8 hours before. Something's not quite right...

good day off

Went out to my dads to see my brother. My dad is on the Gotland- island, so my brother has to take care of the dog.

It's so relaxing out there.

Yesterday I cooked us dinner and we sat in the Sauna. Oh, and I was drinving one of thouse four wheel thingies in 45 miles per hour, in the woods! That was awesome and the tears fell sideways on my face. Then I pampered myself a bit before going to bed watching stand up shows on TV.

Today turned out to be such a nice and HOT day. I expected rain and thunder, so I didn't pack any summer clotes. So I had to walk around in my bikini, distracting the workers, who acidentally cut off our electicity when the tree fell slightly in the wrong direction.

So other than sunbathing I've been talking the dog for walks and cleaning the cat boxes. There are three of them too.

Then I got to drive the convertable car for a bit on my way home. Soooooo nice. I feel fresh and happy.

Work tomorrow. Bring it!

Wednesday 20 July 2011


Today was as sunny as yesterday, and I had less to do at work too. Or so it felt. Anyways... I met up with my friend Leopold. He's one of my closest friends, and we're so different. I mean like the opposite to eachother, but somehow we did managed to get a tight bond years back.


He's that kind of friend you just hang out with, with no obligations to talk about certain things or do anything at all. Plus, his imagination is hilarious.

Anyways... it was nice to see him, and I have almost managed to see everyone I want to see at least once before I go back after the summer, and I've only been here one week. So round two starts now...

Tuesday 19 July 2011

zzzz come please

I got home like 15 minutes ago, meaning, 00.40 am. I'm so so so tired after working and helping with this film. It was fun though, and I can't wait until I can go back to dancing one day.

I have to go up in five hours, so I guess me and my soar head have to make it into bed.


So today after work I'm going to my old dance school to help making a film. I think it will be one of those tutorial films, and I'm just gonna fill in as a student, nothing major. But I'm so excited to be in those rooms again... loooong time since.

But first, work!

Monday 18 July 2011

I bet you never heard

Oh, and I also wanted to tell you about one of my conversations I had with a co-worker yesterday. I was so touched about this so now I'm sharing.

So, she had been working with caring and stuff for a very long time. And one time she was given the mission to teach two boys how to drive a paramobile or whatever you call it. Those wheelchairs with motors...

The thing with these two brothers, as they were, was that they had a decease that made then self-destructive. And then I mean SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, as in harming themselves so much that they would die. They were compleately normal otherwise, and it wasn't that they wanted to harm themselves, they just "had to".

So basically she told me that they were always properly tied up, both hands and feet, they could only move their wrists.

So they woulnd't know that this was an illness if they wouldn't have gone to the hospital and an American doctor happened to be there for a visit. It's so rare that hardly no one knows about it. And obviously there's no cure.

The first boy died at 14, when someone didn't tie him up properly at night. He managed to crawl down in bed so that a strap around his neck strangled him to death.

But imgaine being tied up because every moment of your life you are trying to kill yourself for no reason. For example, the brother who lived. Once he could drive the paramobile, he was in the park with my co-worker, and on the fence there was these spikes pointing inwards. He was driving against it so that it almost went through his throat, and if she wouldn't have been there, that would have ended in a different way. But eventually he died too, quite "old" at 28 years old. Apparently with this decease your bowels stops working after a while. And he knew all the time that this was gonna happen, and nothing could stop it.

Well, I just had to tell you, because I was really touched by the story.

ideas into action

So I took a bath, and it was so hot I was sweating. Then I had to go up, after a really cold shower, otherwise I would have fainted or something.

Then I got the idea of cutting my hair. So I did. A bit.

Then I sax some wax stripes, so I got another idea of getting myself a brazilian. So I did.

Then now I'm looking a flights to Rome, because I really want to go. And so I will!


I'm exhausted.

Woke up early today, and I left the house at 9.15. Then after my arrend I walked all the way home to my friend and picked her and my free weights up. They we went to the our door gym, doing some chill workout. After that we took a walk in the woods for another 45 minutes. And I had my 10 kg freeweights in my rugsack. I'm so tried right now I'm gonna take a nice warm bath and maybe have a sleep there.

Oh and now I'm all alone for a couple of days. Slumber-party someone? :)

Sunday 17 July 2011

working double

I'm a wreck. Just got home after almost 16 hours of work. Just thinking how my bf could do it five days a week... good job! ANd good for you you're celebrating finally being free from that place.

So today wasn't that bad, until the very end. We had to run inbetween people and that we're never happy and uaah. Don't even wanna talk about it! thank God I'm off tomorrow.

So now, I'm gonna go to bed in a minute. I know it will take me less than one minute to fall into a hard deep sleep.

Good night people.

Saturday 16 July 2011

walking the distance

Went for a powerwalk with my friend. It took us about 3,5 hours. When it was coming to an end, I just felt pure hunger, even though I had dinner just before leaving home. I'm still not satisfied, I just want to eeeeaaat.

Oh well.

I'm gonna try to get to sleep a bit earlier today since I'm working about 15 hours tomorrow. Good money though, and that's why I'm here I guess.
I tried to wake up 5.30 today, but I just couldn't do it. I'm quite tired today, even though I only had one drink yesterday and went to bed at midnight, as usual. So oh well, I'll just have to do my running after work today.

Right now, I'm really enjoying my porridge with fresh strawberries. Yum!

Friday 15 July 2011

Good evening

I didn't go for a run this morning, because as I persumed the night before... it rained. And it was a very nasty rain that just went everywhere and came from everywhere.

But, sometime around 2 pm the sun came out and after I finished work I could go to Mosebacke to meet my friend as planned. A cold beer on the top of a hill in the afternoon sun with my oldest friend. How about that?

Then her brother and his friend came and after a while we went to another bar. It was karaoke night and it just hilarious to sit and watch.

But since I'm going up 5.30 tomorrow for my morning run, we had to call it the night around 22.30. I can just say I had a very very nice evening. Thanks!

Thursday 14 July 2011



Had my first day at work today.

7.30 - 22.15. Hells yes.

Started very chill and continues quite chill through out the whole day.
For example, spent two hours in a shopping mall with one lady. It was quite fun too!

Eh, and I got to meet some of my old co-workers who I really like!

And then of course I had one old one that I just wanted to walk out on.

But hey, that my job.

Oh, and I did get up at 5.30 and took a 40 min run. KUDOS ME!

Wednesday 13 July 2011


I went to see my friend today. She's more like my cousin since we've known eachother for so long and our families always celebrate midsummer and lobster parties together.

We walked around and then enden up in her garden with a thermos full of tea. So nice. Then her brother came and we went to get thai food. It was shit and in my eyes expensive.

Then I went to meet up with some other friends to see the last part of Harry Potter. It was sooooo good! I cried a bit and laughed a lot. The saloon was packed of wanna be Potters and it was so hot.

Oh, and this is on my walk to the station from my friend's place. What do you think of my home town?


I wish we could have this nature and that out door gym in London. I love it. Feel great, yet a bit tired.

Time for a shower and maybe put on a nice dress for once. I didn't realize how much of a girl I could be, and obviously am, since I have so many dresses. Haha. It would be a shame just to let them hang around.

starting over

Well, since I promised myself that a change would come, and I don't particulary feel like running, I guess I just have to force myself to do it.

I'll start over, taking it slow. I usually do the opposite, but I do want this to last, so hey... lets just admit I'm a bit out of shape and might need some time to get up to my 10 kilometer run in 50 minutes. It's okay.



I stayed up so late writing my travel journal from last year onto my computer. It's gonan take some time to do so, and then some more time to translate it into english.

By doing this it's like i'm re-living the trip from day one to day 150 again. It just feels so amazing to know that I achieved that all by myself. And the gratitude to get to meet all the people I got to experience different things with. Just wow. Some of them I still think of from time to time and I truly miss them. How about that... missing someone you met for less then two weeks over one year ago? I sounds crazy, but it's true. I really do wish to meet up with them one day again.

good night love

So I've finally unpacked my suitcase from midsummer and had a nice long boiling shower to relax my soar shoulders from todays carrying. It's time to go to bed, but hey... I feel hungry. I don't have the energy to brush my teeth again, so food will have to wait until the morning.

Oh btw. I'm starting my new "a bit healthier" lifestyle tomorrow. I mean, still endulging in food and stuff, but count in the excersice from now on. Run in the morning.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

There's nothing you can say that can't be sung.

Just walked in through the door. Finally! I'm all sweaty.

Going on the bus from Skavsta to Stockholm I realized once again how beautiful this country is. I couldn't do anything but smile and think that the spanish people around me missed out on something magical because of all their talking.

This is gonna sound cheesy and maybe a bit stupid. But sometimes my heart is beating so strong, like I know that I can do anything. Well, I know that in my head already, but to have that feeling in your entire body is the best. I just love life. Come what may.

I'm leaving on a jetplane.

Leaving the house now. When I some back to London I will be living somewhere else. I'm so looking forward to that day. Just me and my bf. It's gonna be great, I can feel it in every bit of my body.

For now. Bye.

bye baby

Been awake for about one hour now and the time now is 6.24 am and my bf had to leave me in bed for work. It's always hard to say good bye, even though this time it's only for 18 days. Then he'll be in Sweden, I really can't wait.

Monday 11 July 2011


Sorry for being absent. I've been with my bf to visit his parents. So nice! The weather has been great and of course I played safe instead of sorry putting on my leather boots.

Eh so yeah. I have had a very nice weekend starting off with leaving drinks with the work. Got really drunk on Monster-Vodka and then probably a bit high too. Couldn't really tell them apart. But thanks guy for a great night! I will miss you too.

Saw more or less Rocky I - V while my bf was sleeping like a baby next to me. I love Rocky and I just want to get back to training now.

What else... yeah... I just packed my bag, since I'm going to Sweden tomorrow. It's so bitter sweet, I love it there and I love it here. But what can you do when you only have one body....

Gonna crawl down next to my bf and let him hold me for the hole night! I will miss him so much.


Friday 8 July 2011

hej hå

Slept more or less until 12 ps today. NICE.

Going to college for the last time this term. So excited!

Wednesday 6 July 2011


Hey hey heeeeey.

I'm happy today. No perticular reason, just one of those days.

Eh, nothing new nore then work.

Or yes.

I've been singing today.
I'm sooo quiet nowadays, and I just love to sing. So singing put the cream on the cake for today. I think, since no one is home, I'm gonna practice some more.

Bye bye byyyeee

Monday 4 July 2011


I hated work today. I hated it so much. Now I'm feeling better.

I finished my book too.
I need to find something for tomorrow or I'll hate that even more, haha.

Oh well. Time for a shower!

Sunday 3 July 2011

What should we do with the drunken sailor?

Hej. I got drunk today.

Work was crazy and I had to work over for three hours. So wrecked after work we all went for one after work beer. But since it was happy hour things happen you know, like somone happen to buy three bottles of wine. I can just say I ended up on the bus home with hickups, all the way.

So nice that it's Sunday tomorrow. It's going to be a warm and sunny day, and I have prepared mysef with toast and what ever you have on them. Can't wait.

Friday 1 July 2011


Today I feel great! Isn't that the best when you just feel great for no reason.

What's up tonight Londoner?

Hildas Gitarr

I think it's fun that this morning I have been playing my friends band's music. They are so good and it is so much fun to see how they have grown during the years. Kudos guys!

Check out Hildas Gitarr!

morning happy


So, at the end of August I have to move, again, but this time I will move with my bf. The land lord has decided to put the rent up with as much as 320 pounds a month, which meaning, I think, that it will land on about 2500 a month. It's just too much.

But I am excited, since I kind of don't want to live with the people that lived here. Oh well, it's just one guy, but this guy has a girlfriend, and them together I just can't stand.

So anyways, this means I have to make a short visit from Sweden sometime in late August. As said, I'm excited.

walking, working, loving

So I think my endless walking is the reason I'm so tired. I used to be a light sleeper, but now when my bf comes home I don't even wake up, until he kind of has to shake me. And the mornings, woouh, that's hard times. And I used to be an early morning person. Well, I guess I still am, since I wake up at 7 am, latest. It's just not easy any more.

Today I'm going to school, I'm really excited since I missed last week. Unfortunately I have to go to work at some point, meaning I have to miss haf of my class. But my bff has promised to give me Sibelius, so I should be able to catch up lost time during the week.

Eh, so it's Friday. What's up tonight people?