Sunday 4 September 2016

It's been a week since I came back from Sweden. I've kept myself kinda busy. 
Work is still fairly slow with client hours, but as now I'm training twice a day 3 days a week it takes up a little time. 

I've completely stopped caring about "being fatter" and food doesn't freak me out at all anymore. I'm enjoying good food and some bad food and wine as well. 

With some help from my mentor I'm training really hard and I'm trying to grow, and next year hopefully I can diet again and go on stage to compete. 

Today I spent in bed almost the entire day. Then I found a link saying that today they had a memorial for the great fire of London that happened 350 years ago. So I decided to walk all the way down to South Bank to watch the fire for about 20 min, and then walk back home again. 

I'm feeling very grateful at the moment. And now it's time to sleep.