Friday 29 November 2013

short term life

So my mum has payed me a visit. It felt really short, because most of the time I was working, or super tired from working. But it was nice though, as always. 

There is crazy many things that needs to be done in the next two weeks before I go to Sweden. 
I need to finish my two case studies, nail two written exams and pass my practical exam on the 14th. I have to train my case study 4 times, be trained by someone else 4 times, make big big plans and put them into action, plus having a writing session with the band. I'm gonna help one of the PT's out with filming exercises before she moves back to South Africa. And my flatmate and I are on a project together.

Then also I wanna make it to Winter Wonderland, get somewhat drunk on the staff party and just work work work.

I love a busy life.

Monday 25 November 2013

heat, visit, training

Our boiler is broken, again. Of course I have had to make the calls to get someone here to fix it. So tomorrow we should be able to live like normal people again. 

Tomorrow my mum is coming over from Sweden. Gonna be really nice, though I have loads to do. But today I was really productive and finished most of my case study. Now I have to do all the overviews and look over all the goal settings and al that crap. Lucky I'm working with my case study, so we should maybe be able to sort it out tonight. 

Tonight I'm returning to training after 1,5 week off. I can't wait, my body is way too relaxed!

almost at the finish line

This weekend I attended the last two days of the PT course. From now on I will be on my own as a PT once I'm qualified. Scary and exciting at the same time! 

Next week I have two days of nutrition course, and the following week I will have my theory exam. Week after I have my nutrition exam and the practical exam. Fuck yes!

Studio recap

The visit down to Southampton was a fun and strange one. I was very ill the first two days and slept quite alot. Drums recorded the first day, followed by guitar and bass on day two and three and then on the fouth day it was time for my vocals. 

I am very proud of my band mates, since the music sounds really nice, and I'm proud of myself from pulling through the cold and pain and recorded my vocals quick and effective. I think I did a good job, and I can't wait for the tracks to be mixed and mastered asap. 

We lived in a stable. Yes, a stable. It was horrendously cold at night, but I came well prepared with onesie, duvet, duvet socks and just hot cloths in general. 

Even though we had two "rooms" we decided to stay all in one room to be as warm as possible. And with three different heaters and radiators I think we did as good as we could. 

Anyways, good good fun. And fun times ahead!!!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

eleventh hours

It is time. 

We're heading down to Southampton tonight. I'm am so fucking tired, since I couldn't sleep last night from all the pain my body was causing me. I am now on anitbiotics and loads of painkillers, so I will manage. 

Bags are packed with tons of warm stuff and I'm just waiting for the guys to pick me up. All I want it sleep. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

save me from myself

I'm so ILL!

My throat is BAD, and my mouth is swollen as fuck. I've had a fever for two days and from today I've been on a soup diet since I can't freaking swallow.

Going down to Southampton tomorrow night. Gonna be good as hell. But I'm just a little bit stressed out about me having to sing in a few days, when I'm having a blocked nose and narrow airways as it is... 

I'm not religious, but this might be the time to start?

Monday 11 November 2013

today for me

Today I've been productive as well... 

Took the weekly "result-picture". I think I will stop doing that. I really don't enjoy it. I've seen results, so I know my diet worked. That's it. End of conclusion. 

Been studying anatomy for one hour. The neuro system is gonna kill me, sooo hard with too many hard words! I'm moving on to nutrition for the next hour now. 

I had to chage time for my GP appointment so that I can maximise time with the band this week. 

Talked to dad. Making sure I can come home for Christmas. 

I still need to study for another hour tidy my room, go food shopping, put an add up on Gumtree and do vocals before I'm training at 3pm. Then at 5pm I start work. The usual.

the things we do

For a week I have done many things so that I will not get ill. I don't wanna jinx it, but so far so good. 

I ate garlic the other night, three cloves to be precise, only today I am not smelling of it.

I have made hot juices made from oranges, lemons, ginger, honey and cayenne pepper. Try it, it's really fucking tasty! 

I've been wearing a scarf, almost at all times. 

Last night I felt a little bit cold after my shower, so I went to bed in my onsie, wrapped inside my blanked UNDER my duvet. I wore thick socks and a bandana we well. I woke up with half of that on me, but I felt great this morning!

One more week and we're off to Southampton. I can't wait to get this thing going. I am skinned of money at the moment, and I have stopped eating meat for breakfast because I just can't afford it. But I am happy to do so. 

Friday 8 November 2013

wonderful week

I have had a wonderful week so far. 

Good training, good meeting with the band and good company.
Time is coming up for the studio session in Southampton. We couldn't be more excited. Last night I recorded vocal demos with Andres to be sent off to the producer we're working with. And then we met up with the rest of the band for some Japanese curry in central. FUCK it was a nice cheat to the diet. 

Diet has not been great... well I'm still on very low carbs, but my sugar intake has gone up quite a lot. 

Today I feel tired and relaxed yet still somehow I feel energised. 
It has finally come to the day I will go to the physio for my shoulder as well. So hopefully they will have something good to tell me. 

I'm gonna study now and get ready for a gym session.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

nobody skips leg day

It's Monday, night, and I can't believe I skipped leg day today. I had a milder workout during the day, but still, I can't believe I skipped leg day. You know what's going down tomorrow, before work!

Monday 4 November 2013


Good day. 

This weekend litterally made me feel like a zombie. 
Today I feel much better. The sun is shining and I'm being productive again. Sending out some emails and studying. Washing my clothes and eventually, go to work. Today two new member of staff will join us, so we'll see what will happen. 

I am overly excited to become a PT. I really think I will love working as one and I really think that I am gonna offer a good service to people. This course has been really inspiriing as well. Open up views that I might not have been open to before. So I really feel that the money spent is worth it.

Now I'm gonna get on the anatomy study.

Sunday 3 November 2013

woke up, alive

I mamanged to regain some strenght and energy. So I did some studying. Now it's 10.30pm and I think I might take a shower and actually go to bed. I have nothing better to do tonight.

Tomorrow: Doing laundry, studying and making a list. 

killed, dead.

This weekend's studying has killed me. I have not been able to do anything productive, or anything at all really, since I got home in the evening. 

This coming week is busy, and I need to be on my game. So maybe going to bed at 9.30 pm isn't that bad after all...? Oh granny lifestyle.

Friday 1 November 2013


So this week my diet has gone out of the window, so I am extending it for another week. All good under the hood. 

I am feeling very happy and calm these days. I feel that the universe is making it's way for me. I'm grateful. It's sounds like I'm a hippy, but that's how I feel. 

Tomorrow I'm starting level 3 on the PT course, meaning that it's one step closer to be self-employed and I just love the though of it. I really am not made to work for others. 

In 2,5 weeks me and my band are heading to South Hampton to record our EP, and I just couldn't be more excited. I have a great band, we have so much fun and I love the music we're making. It makes me truly happy. Once the EP is out, it's a another change of chapter, and again... it's the reason I'm here. 

I'm spending time with people that makes me happy too. I really don't have time to waste on people that doesn't do it for me. Life is too short to be spent on the things you don't want to do. 

I'm so excited to go back to Sweden for Christmas as well. I love my family and I wanna spend some proper time with them. Sometimes it hits me how little I actually see them in a year, and sometimes it makes me wanna move back, but that wouldn't make me happy, so I value the times I do get to see them. Hopefully I don't have to work when I go back, but as much as I love my life here, it's not easy times with money right now.