Friday 31 January 2014

mama visit

It was so nice to have my mum over. This time felt too short though. I was working almost all day on Wednesday, so yeah... but we had a good time. 

Yesterday we went to see RENT the musical in Hackney Empire. I didn't know when I booked the tickets that it was the premiere for it. It's was really good though, bot me and my mum cried and standing ovations were loud. 

PTing is going better. I can feel that I'm getting the hang of it better and better. I know it has only been two weeks, but I am feeling way more confident and I push my clients harder and harder. 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

They see me rollin

So everything is going great at the moment.

Picked up 8 clients in 9 days, we released our EP yesterday and getting good feedback from it and my mum is here. 

It's raining, but I'm working almost the whole day. 
Had a session at 6.30am, a short workout for myself, met up with my client for a juice between 8 and 9am, gonna have my third breakfast with my mum now, then I'm back at the gym 11am-8pm. Up again 5.30am tomorrow for more working. Life is pretty damn good though. Just gotta get used to these early mornings. 

Oh and here. First single of the EP - Waves part 2 

Available to buy for 1.50 pounds (or more if you like) here

or here


Support and share.

Lots of love

Monday 27 January 2014


We are releasing the EP so soon. So if you haven't seen the teaser video yet, you should. 



This weekend was good and quiet. Well, not to quiet. I had band sessions both Saturday and Sunday. It's starting to get there, but not just yet. And we're releasing tomorrow. So we should really be ready. I reckon two more rehearsals to get all tight should do. Can't wait to play shows. 

PTing is going well. I picked up another client, and tonight I'm meeting up with a woman that is interested in training two hours a week. That would be amazing! Still not there yet, but at least I know I can pay my rent this month when it comes down to it.

Friday 24 January 2014


I've spent about 2 hours on vocal practice. I have really neglected my voice lately, and that is so so bad. My voice is not as string as it was before Christmas, but I will get back into daily routines, so in a week or two I will be back to normal. Feels so good to be using it again!

Only 4 days until we release "Terra", so stay tuned and please share with friends!


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Personal Training hells yeah

Yesterday I had a girl buying sessions from me, and today I had my first two freebes. Guess what! I converted both of them. So far 100% converstion, ha! I have three more freebes tomorrow, lets see what that will bring. 

I can tell you the first think I bought for my new income was a domain for Arkestry. So yes, that means that a website is gonna come up within time. 

The next thing I'm gonna buy is some freaking GOOD cream for my face. These spots better be gone soon. A woman in her mid-twenties should be looking like a 14 year old blooming in puberty!

come on come on come on

Today has been a very good day. 

Good, productive and nice. 

Woke up, did laundry and that kind of shit.
Trained legs.. HARD and HEAVY. 
Made the biggest omelette I've seen. 
Hug out with K for a bit before work. 

Work was good, and I picked up my first paying client. 
BOOOYAAAA.. I have for now, 7 booked freebes this weeks.
I'm looking to convert at least half of them. 

I got some heavy expenses ahead, so I need it. 
Feels great though. 

And band rehearsal was reaking awesome yesterday.
Apart from 3 out or 5 of us were 2 hours late...... 

Saturday 18 January 2014


Today I haven't done shit. Not one thing. 

I was suppose to have my first freebe session today, but she cancelled on me. I know she didn't want any sessions, so to be honest. I didn't really care too much. 

I spent about 4 hours at the gym without actually training, and I wasn't working either. I got a ride up to Dalston and back just to pick up keys for the studio. I just bought two tickets to RENT the Musical for me and my mum, and I've been sending emails to people about my personal training. Fingers crossed!

Thursday 16 January 2014


Long day today. At least it felt like one. Right now I need to rush to bed so that I can get at least 6 hours sleep. Gotta go straight back to that gym for opening shift tomorrow, then the whole weekend off.


I managed to pay yet another rent and gas bill together. Pjuh. 

Tuesday 14 January 2014


I just joined PRS for Music - hello royalties. The track I reckorded with D the other month might come on an American TV show. How freaking cool would that be? At first I just saw it as a fun thing to do. Now I really hope we get the gig. I gotta start making money one way or another, because I am running so skinny over here it's ridiculous! :S

Monday 13 January 2014

dreams and nightmares

This past month I've been dreaming an aweful lot about becoming a personal trainer. Nine times out of ten it has been bad dreams that have made be feel uncomfortable with the whole idea of starting. But last night I had a kind of good dream, so it feels okay today. I think I will keep on dreaming about this until I get my first client, and my nerves calm down a bit.


I'm waiting for about 12pm when I'm gonna head down to the gym. At half twelve the Metafit class starts, and I'm ready to die a little from my lack of stamina. After, if I have time, I'll spend a little time training on my own. 

Working late tonight, and opening up tomorrow, not a great combination, but I can't be asked to complain.

pregnancy training

So I'm spending a lot of time reading about pregnancy- and post pregnancy training. I feel that it's important to acknowledge that people, and expecially women, have different needs when it comes to training. I find this very interesting to read about, and of course benefitial for my business, and maybe one day for myself.

Sunday 12 January 2014


It's such a a nice beautiful day out side... I even have the window open. Nice and crispy. 

I have no idea what to do today until I have to go work for a few hours. I've been so busy sorting everything out for when I start PTing, and now I have nothing more to do, except start working as a PT. 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

starting line

I have my insurance! 

I am almost done with all paperwork I'm gonna have for my future clients, and today K and I went stationary shopping for things I need to organize myself properly. FUCK, i'm excited. Gonna hunt them clients down asap. 

Wish me luck. 

And have another look at the teaser video for my EP.

click HERE

Monday 6 January 2014


My band Arkestry just launched our first teaser for the EP on youtube.
We got just over 100 likes on FB in about 12 hours, and hopefully today we can get about 200 likes. It has al begun. EP will be released online in a short period of time. So please follow us on FaceBook for all updates.


Facebook hype, click HERE
Youtube hype, click HERE

Saturday 4 January 2014

inside, outside

Tonight I had some people from work over. To be honest, I wish they didn't stay long before they even came. Sounds horrible, but they were  late, and didn't bother about letting me know. I spent money and time into making dinner for all of us, and they just piss take all of that. Not appreciated one bit. So that was probably the last time I did something like that.

I feel a little bit stupid from thinking we were friends, we're just co-workers. Fair enough. Good night.


Today I touched my keyboard for the first time in a very long time. Was listening to a final fantasy tune and just started jamming. Felt good. 

But as soon as I made the call that I should maybe write a song, I got a few chords down and then it just felt horrible again. My skills are low, so I should maybe start with playing songs and chords again, before trying to come up with random things. I don't know. 

I wrote some lyrics instead. Doing what I do best for the band. 

I saw the artwork for the EP that's coming out soon. It's so beautiful. I can't wait to share it.

Friday 3 January 2014

le chef

Today I made a very brave attempt to cook cannelloni. Like, stuffed pasta baked in the oven. I had K to help me, and all went fine, until we were watching Band of Brothers and the food was kind of burnt when the episode was over. But scraping of the top layer, it was actually a huge success.

Thursday 2 January 2014

2014, yes

Hello Hello. Yes, it has been a while since last. 

I went to Sweden and back. Spent time with family and the friends that doesn't seem to shake off dispite my lack of presence. Really nice to see all, and as always I feel that we didn't get to spend enough time together. 

I worked a little, as usual. Really nice and chill.

I got back three days ago. Almost straight back to work. 
New years celebration was with the band at a club called System. It was pure sick. I got home at 6.30am, stayed up until it was time to go to work again at 10am. The longest shift I've done there it felt like. I was  not in a good state. 

Didn't go to bed until about 2am last night too... so I was up for almost two days. Can't even recall the last time that happened. 

It's good to be back though. I got employed at the gym as a personal trainer, so now I've been working on my PT profile, designed business card. Still waiting for all the offices to open up after the festive seasons, so that I can get my insurance. Just wanna start working now! 

2014 is definately my year...