Wednesday 26 February 2014


Today I got a new client. She seems really nice, so that is all great.

Then I forgot that I had another client. So I was at home cooking some nice dinner, just about to eat and my phone rings. K said my client was waiting for me, I thought she cancelled and rushed there in 5 min and had the session. I would have wished to be in bed right now, but I just ate, need to get ready and calm down a little before I can sleep. Next client is at 6.30 tomorrow morning. Gah!

Monday 24 February 2014

spring feeling

Today is officially spring. At least for me.

Flowers are blooming in the park, and after training and doing a class K and I went for a walk in Victoria Park, wearing onlt shorts! Such a beautiful day. 

Just feeling very loving at the moment. That's all.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

one month

One month since I officially started working as a personal trainer. Things are going well for that time I would like to say. So I really stressed out for nothing before. Oh well, I'm glad and grateful anyways. 

One real step back though is that our bass player left the band the other day. So yeah, gotta find someone else asap, though Perea is going Europe and US tour these two months, so it's not a great time. I really just wanna play some shows now. The music we have is sick and yeah, it is time so spread the vibes to everyone. 

Today I went to IKEA with K. It was really nice and I got a few things for the house and for myself.  Always a hype going there, LOL.

Friday 14 February 2014

hearts and happiness


My computer broke down and has been to a trip to the Mac Store. Time is ticking for this long loved friend of mine.

Things are going great at the moment. I'm getting into the routine of waking up 5.30 in the morning to make my clients sweat and feel great for the rest of the day. 

I am back into training hard, so I practice what I preach. Feels good. 

Music is going good, we're just about ready to play shows, though Perea is going Europe tour with another band next week But, by the time he's back we can start. Can't wait. I think our music is good and a bit different. 

It's Valentines Day today and I'm spending it with someone special. I'm usually not the cheesy type, and even though we haven't planned anything what so ever, I'm looking forward to it. 

As for right now, I'm off to Perea to record some next level cheese song for his production module at college. Fun times.

Happy Valentines everyone! <3 span="">

Sunday 2 February 2014

Wolf of Wall Street

Went to the cinema last night. Saw Wolf of Wall Street with Leonardo DiCaprio. Fuck it was soooo good. About three hours long but never ever boring or dragging. So amazed.