Friday 19 June 2015


Today is Midsummer, and it's the first time I am not spending it with my family in Sweden. 

Today I am off work and I'm not celebrating it at all, although tomorrow I have put together a picknick at Hyde Park with some friends and my flatmates. I think it't gonna be great :) 

But Glad Midsummer eveyone, may the sun be with you wherever you are!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Daddy's girl and more ranting

Tonight I spent 50 minutes on the phone to my dad and it has been a very long time I had a long conversation with him. Mostly I had a rant about my business and it was so nice to hear words from a businessman, rather than someone that only thinks about making money.

I know it's important to make money but seriously, as I said in my last post, you have to run your business with dignity and don't let people walk all over it. It's not easy... and I don't find any joy charging clients that cancels too late. Of course, sometimes you have to let one slide... but if you put too much emotion into the thought process it's just not sustainable and you end up with more stress and less livelyhood when you already had a policy agreed on to protect yourself in the first place! 

Anyways, tomorrow I have 7 clients booked in AND my own training at UP Fitness, so it's a pretty busy day. But come Friday and I have the whole day off.


So today I finally resigned from my gym. BIG change is around the corner and I'm feeling excited and happy. Come August and everything will be running ackording to MY policies and how I want my business to go... without anyone telling me anything else. 

I'm going through a stage where I am taking responsibility for seperating my business with my private life, something that is extremely hard to do in this industry. 

I have had one too many disputes with clients that doesn't understand what a 24 hour cancellation policy is, to which from now on I will chose not to work with. So tonight I trashed one of my clients, and I have a feeling there will be a couple more that just won't like or respect my terms and conditions. 

I know it comes out as harsh, and some people thing that it might be unecessary. But to be honest, it is the only way for me to stop stressing so much and to respect myself as a trainer and business owner. And I can honestly say that I'm happy to cut my income in half if I only work with people I want to work with. 

So yeah, there you have it. My future starts now.
ARK Fitness starts now!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

work week

Had a quiet work day today. Two classes and one client.
It was quite nice to have a lot of time though. Did some serious cooking, and a great workout at UP fitness again. Felt really low on energy so today I was super nervous about the class, but it wasn't too much cardio included so I was at home with the training style. Still hard though!

Tomorrow is a busy work day! 
Going to be at the gym from 5.50am to 12.30pm, then Kaeten and I are going to Bend it Like Beckham, a new musical coming out. My client was sweet and gave me two tickets to a preview show! So that will be fun. 
And then straight back to work for anohter 2-3 clients. 

Thursday is a kind of quiet day with only 4 clients and one taster booked in. But then I'm going back to UP for another session, and I need to sit down and study this week's call.

Friday 5 June 2015

Friday = Off day

Today I had no clients, and I didn't visit my own gym at all (which I normally do)

However, I went for another group training session at UP, and even though it's hard as fuck... at least I'm not feeling sick afterwards, so that's a step in the right direction. Well pleased.
My co-worker is SMASHING it though. so strong she is really impressing the guys over there... I need to step up my game even more to be at her level. 

Been reading Norweigan Woods today as well... I'm finding it hard to find peace to sit down to read, but today was one of those days... 


I just finished a mastodont of a study call with my nutrition course. 
A 1 hour call has taken me 3 sittings of just about 1 hours each to complete.
So much information my brain is fried up.

I'm gonna return watching an episode of Sons Of Anarchy before bed. 
Then a solid sleep, I have a long day tomorrow!