Saturday 29 March 2014

training training training

I had a quite big training day today. First a session with K, chin-ups and deadlifts. My hand are dead and sore still!! 

Then I nice long walk around Victoria Park and to Broadway Market. Sun and warmth today. SOOOO NICE! I only had shorts and a vest on. 

Then I did TWO Metafit sessions with a girl from the gym. 
I came home almost two hours ago and I have only been sitting on my ass until now. I'm gonna shower and tidy up a little. K is coming over so we can finish My Neighbour Totoro, which I couldn't stay awake to last night. And food, we need food!! Diet is going quite alreght now.

Friday 28 March 2014

no carbs

I'm struggling to find joy in food now when I can't eat carbs. It really is horrible. But I'm gonna stick to it another 9 days, then I can eat loads of carbs once a week. 

It's definitely easier now after about 5 days, and I think I started off when I wasn't feeling very well and I was eating antibiotics and stuff. I'm feeling better now, but energy is low. I've made great friends with Yoghurt, eggs and avocado though....


Time flies. Weekend is already here and I'm knackered. Glad I'm off for the rest of the day. 

This week has been good. Picked up another 3, maybe 4 clients. Really happy about that. One client has started to train 3 times a week now, and another one will train twice a week every second week, so I'm happy about that too. 

I need to take some time off to go Sweden and see my family. I have gotten some extra money and I have no excuses not to go. Clients I can reschedule, time with family is limited. Managed to Skype with my mum and FaceTime my dad today. Gonna see if I can Skype with my baby brother whom I plan to visit within the next three weeks, just need to get him confirmation that I can come. I miss my family, so it would be good.

Oh well. For now I'm just gonna chill.

Monday 24 March 2014

night night

It's 8.30pm and I think I'm gonna have a shower and go to bed.

sick and pain

So I'm on the no carbs thing again. I have very little energy and I think the sallad I ate for lunch had gone off. So I have spent most of my day in bed feeling like my stomach want's to turn inside out. 

On top of that I went to the emergency dentist yesterday. My tooth was playing up and the pain was too much. Apparently my tooth that I fixed less than two months ago is now dead and I need to do a root canal filling. LOOOONG. I'm on antibiotics and I feel shit. I cancelled on my client tonight and I am considering cancelling on my clients tomorrow, but that is like 4 people. Hmmm.... not happy.

Friday 21 March 2014

visit and learning

My mum came over this week. We had a few nice days together. I managed to reschedule most of my clients to that we could have two whole days together. I needed time away from the place too. I love the PTing, but spending countless of dead time there, and working at the reception, is just dead and boring. 

Yesterday I went to do a Kettlebell course. It was so good, I can't even describe it. I learned so much, not only about how to train with kettlebells, but also about other point if views of fitness. I tried some of the things on my clients today and they loved it. 

Friday 14 March 2014


Hey world. Life is going on. Just working really... Gonna be in desperate need of a weekend somewhere sometime soon. Though spring is here and makes life easier.

I managed to reschedule some of my clients for next week when my mum is here, so I have two whole days with her. Then next Thursday I'm going a kettlebell course, which will be great. 

Sunday 9 March 2014

sunny sunday

So today is such a beautiful day. We've had a few of them lately, which is amazing. I'm off to work in one and a half hour, so yeah... that's my day.

I am so gonna shift my clients so that I can have at least one day off a week. 

As for now.. I'm gonna do my oil cleanse and get ready, then maybe go for a walk before I lose yet another whole day of sunlight.

Saturday 8 March 2014

long week

I am so tired. this week has seemed endless, and tomorrow I'm sitting 6 hours in the reception. Buuuuu! 

Then it starts over again. 

I am enjoying my job as a PT, but I need to start rescheduling some of my clients, so that I can get at least one day off. I need to get some rest soon, or I'll break down. 

Anyways. All good!

Thursday 6 March 2014

When God asks "How have you lived your life"

I've spent the last three hours doing jack shit. Sitting slouched infront of the computer, doing nothing but browsing around. Ended up browsing through the whole Oscar's. I realise I have many films I need to catch up on from this year and the last. 

It's 10pm and it's time for bed.
Good night.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

long ass day

Today I spent waaaaay too much time at the gym. 

Clients from 6.30 to around 10am. 

Managed to squeeze in Metafit inbetween two clients, which I'm by the way am starting to impress with. It's high intensity body weight exercises. Really short class, between 15 and 20 min, but you die. Honestly. But I love it. Doing it about 3 days a week now :) 

Had to sit in the reception from 12-17.30, which I dread so much. It's boring, and when one of the managers are in (they swap every week) it's unbearable. Yet I lived through it once again. 

My last client of today is too lovely. We honestly laugh through the whole session. Love love training her. 

As of tonight I'm planning on watching one episode of Suits, then go to bed. I would love to read my book, but of course I forgot that (and my phone charger!!!!) at work. Great.

Sunday 2 March 2014


I remember when I was a kid and my mum used to have Tupperware parties at home. Since I was a kid I didn't understand any of it, since they were all just hyping over lunchboxes. 

Today my flatmate had a presentation for this company she has just signed up to "work for". She will, as my mum, be self-employed but work for the company promoting their products. I thought the presentation was nice, but I am always sceptic about these kind of things. But I got to borrow some products for the next three days before I'm meeting up with her and her business partners/mentors on Wednesday again. 

So maybe I will open up my own little "company" that I can promote along with my self-employment as a personal trainer. We'll see...


I'm so tired after this week, and next week I'm even more busy! Oh well, I'm off to work, and then Raae has a presentation later tonight that I can finally attend to. Here's a pic. LOL.