Sunday 26 October 2014

self-employment and the worst pain ever

I just did my first ever self-employment tax return filing. LOOONG. But now it's done. I won't be owing anything for my first few months, but I think for next year I will get myself a good accountant to help me out. This shit is too stressful, I just want to train and expand my business. Really hate numbers.

Other than that I just wanted to share with you that I put myself through the worst pain I've felt so far last Friday. 

I went to the sex and health clinic to get a copper coil fitted. OMFG, it was pure horror. I kept it together sooo well when they did the procedure, but man did I want to scream and spasm all over the place. And the cramps afterwards.... fuuuuck that. 

I was in bed for the rest of the day, and took some serious painkillers. But I was still cramping the day after. Not as bad, but still like a proper period cramp. And today it's Sunday and I can feel that my stomach is not happy, but I'm not in any super pain either. Just weird. 

Apparently the period cramps might get sooo much worse than what they've been before and I might bleed for much longer and heavier too... great.. Though I read that some people stop having periods too, which I actually wouldn't mind. I shall let you know what my case is later on... 

Have a good Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


put it down onto paper.

I'm still not very good at updating this blog, but here I am.. for now. 

I feel very happy at the moment. 

Work is picking up, and just in this moment I feel very inspired for music. So I'm brain dump recording some ideas over one of our tunes. I haven't "heard" any melodies in my head for a very long time... and even though we might not use what I'm recording today... at least I'm feeling creative and open. 

Today I will worry extremely little about the marketing part of work and only sit here and work on the tunes for as long as my brain allows me.

And tonight I'm going to see a musical called Sunny Afternoon. About The Kinks. My client gave me two tickets and it's suppose to be really good. And that's what the London life is about... all the things you could be doing/seeing/experiencing EVERY DAY..

I hear another melody coming to me. 

Laters loved ones!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

work twerk

Tuesdays are crazy with work. Usually not too bad, but even working at reception was busy today. I don't really mind too much to be honest... but I can feel now that I'm tired. 

And of course Kay is on his way here, drunk after a night out... It wasn't suppose to be a late night, but now it is. He has to open up the gym tomorrow, and I'm gonna go to Southwark to bum around for a little and have a training session before doing some recording. 

I have loads to do but I cannot focus at the moment. 
I might just go to bed, but then I don't want to wake up just to open the door... Buuu!

Thursday 2 October 2014

ups and downs

Busy busy times. 

I'm not extremely busy at work, which I'm aiming to become by the end of this month! 
But it's everything around work... marketing, studying, Arkestry, practicing... and training from time to time.

My training is not on point and it makes me a bit disappointed in myself as that was the one thing I always felt secure about. People say I look skinnier, and I don't like that! Ha. I want to look strong and PT-like. 

Oh well... 

Started recording some vocals demos for the album today. We still have some stuff to write, and today ended up siiiick. Makes me really hype. Makes me want to be better. 

I'm hoping to uy a synthesizer this month so I can start getting involved with music writing and playing as well. Gonna be good, though it adds on more things to get done in a day as well... 

It's midnight and I'm usually fast asleep at this point.
Good night!