Wednesday 31 July 2013

tears of music

I'm just listening back to what Perea has recorded for our demo of one of our tunes. Fuck me, it's the saddest and most beautiful thing I've listened to in a long long time. I can't wait to make a proper recording and start playing this to the world. The world needs this.

Sunday 28 July 2013

remember the good times

I've had such a good day today. 

I woke up at 11.30 am, which is really late for me. But since I didn't go to bed until 4 am after going to Gaya's leaving party - bollywood style - the hours were about the same as always. 

Nothing special happened. Just had a good time with D, cleaning and taking the piss of things. Food shopping and cooking and preping juices has been a big part of the day. Disney songs were included in this as well. 

I went for a 4,5 km run at Victoria Park, which was really nice. 
Then just hanging with Robert and D. 

Planning and getting hyped up about the first band meeting/jam/rehearsal that will take place tomorrow. I'm stoked!

My dad called me at late hours too. Which was the cream on the cake. I haven't heard from him in two weeks, so it was really nice to have a little chat. 

Now, the last thing I'm gonna do before hitting the pillow is to put the tracks we're jamming out for tomorrow! Good night!

Friday 26 July 2013

going deep

I love it when you go deep with your emotions and things starts making sense. You see beyond what's infront of you. I did that realisation today, and now I feel better about some things. And we can't let the little stupid things break our happiness.

I haven't heard back from the gym today, but I'm sure they will call tomorrow. The interview went really well, but I don't wanna jinx it too much. I'm still amazed though, how little fucking money you earn here in comparison to what you have to pay for just having a roof over your head. It's scary to be honest. 

I'm feeling very tired after this week. And I'm actually thinking about going to bed soon. Just chill in my bed and wright stuff out. I'm so excited about this music project and I can't wait  to go into the studio for our first rehearsal jam on Monday.

Thursday 25 July 2013


I've had a crazy good day and a really lovely evening with D. Dinner and red wine out doors with some deep conversation. I'm truly lucky for my flatmates.. 

I'm having positive thoughts about my interview tomorrow. 

Time to go to bed and embraze yet another early cleaning day. At least it's pay day, both here and from Sweden. Whoop whoop.

fuck yeah

Life on hype.

I'm determined to get a job asap. 

I went out to print out the CV and scanned my passport and all that in the morning.

After that I went back to the gym, with a CV. They called me back after just one hour and we arranged a meeting for tomorrow morning. Cross fingers that I get that job. Litterally a five min walk from home, and at a GYM. You know I like the gym... 

Gonna go and trial clean a house next Tuesday too. It's a three day a week job. I don't love cleaning, but until I get another job (see above) I wanna keep it safe and meet up with this man. 

On Sunday, D and I are going to an open casting thing for commersial model jobs. It doesn't hurt to try all those options. And since there is no height restictions, even I might have a chance... haha. 

I've been on job search with D for about three hours now as well. So I feel pretty good about today as well.

Took the day off from the gym, but we're gonna go for a long run around Victoria Park later on. Before 1 pm today I already had three meals. I'm going all clean and stuff, but man I'm just hungry. And it's too early for dinner as well, though I could probably squeeze in two more meals today.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Going places

Today things started happening in my life a little. I can't take much more of spare time to be honest. 

Work was fine. 
Training was hard and heavy. 
Sent out some more CV's.
Went for a National Insurance meeting
Went to the GP
Walked by a gym really close to home that are looking for a receptionist. 
Introduced myself and will go back tomorrow with an actual CV. Dah!
Food shopping. 
Cleaning kitchen. 
Cooking with Steve. 
Sort out some of his stuff. 
Going to bed! Early and nice. 

Felt good to be actually doing something today. I seriously can't handle much more or just chilling on the terrace, though of course a couple of hours a day wouldn't hurt either. I mean, summer will end at some point, and we all know where it's heading...

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Anger and Rage

So I met up with Perea and Michael today. We were mostly chilling, though we can all say that we're pretty hyped about the whole band and music idea. Just need to find the right people and continue wrighting stuff. I'm so excited. I have a feeling this will be good.

hype hype

Shiet, I can really feel the pump i did yesteday at the gym. It was so freaking hard to try to get out of bed this morning. But I did, and then after work I went for another pump. I. Just. Love. Pumping. 

It was really nice with a thunderstorm last night. At least I thought so. Though it was horrible having to close the windows.

In about one hour Perea and Michael are coming over. It's time to make this music real again. I'm so excited. Should probably go shower before they get here.

Monday 22 July 2013

sweat baby, sweat

Today has been crazy hot. It's seriously a steady shine of sweat going on on my forehead. I don't really mind to be honest, because I have no work (well, exept from the two hours in the morning AND the working out at the gym). So I have about 20 hours of chilling, it feels like. And chilling I do. All the time. 

Today I've been in a super mood. I don't know the reason for it, but I can't stop singing. That is usually a good sign. So, tonight I'm gonna sit down by my dust piano my beloved Steve once gave me so that I could study and get into the second year of LCCM and stay in London. And so I did. And here we go. Music. Yes. I Love it. I love Life.

Friday 19 July 2013


So, graduation day has come. I'm heading to work and then back home to get ready for the anti-graduation graduation lunch and chill in the sun with friends that also didn't wanna go to the actual ceremony. Gonna be a good day. I wish I could train, but my hand hurts even a little bit more today. So I guess there will be a call to the GP and my not so lovely Dr. Pollen. She's talking to me like I'm a retard.

Thursday 18 July 2013

I have sprained my thumb for some reason. Silly. I wanna life weights so bad, haha! So nice of Raae's mum to buy bandage and nurse me a little!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

hot hot hot

Right now is the first time I open up my computer since coming back home to London. I just don't wanna sit infron of the computer when the days are so glorious. That I can do when it's cold and dark again. 

Anyways, as most of us knows, it's a pretty fucking brilliant weather in London. I'm enjoying it to the fullest, and it's so nice to be back with my flatmates again. 

I've been doing the cleaning job since I got back, and training, and walking and sunbathing. And eating icecream. I also re-organized in my room. 

Today's plan was to sort out my CV so that I can sent it out, but that didn't happen, and now I'm about to head out to see Marie sing. So CV I will have to take care off tomorrow.

Sunday 14 July 2013


So I'm just waiting before it's time to leave. Today is cloudy and not warm at all. I'm done packing and I've made myself ready in every way. I've even studied anatomy and physiology and gone to the mall with my mum and her bf. It's only 2 pm and my flight isn't in another six hours. Gah!


Tonight I'm flying back to London, I've been too excited I wasn't really able to sleep last night. 

I spent most of yesterday hanging out with my friend Emilie. I've been living with her, but since we have both been working like fuckers, we have only really seen eachother just before falling asleep at night. Anyways, we spent a few hours just chillig in the sun. So so so nice and I can't wait to take care of her the way she has taken care of me this month!

Had a lovely dinner at my dad's and stepmum's place last night. Their house is coming together sooooo nice. I can't wait to come back later this year when it's more or less done (there will probabaly always be something that needs fixing). 

AND I got to drive the car. I just love driving so much. When I drive the whole world is more beautiful. 

This whole weekend has been awesome, seeing all the people that means something, and of course it feels bittersweet to go back to London. But at the same time, I can't wait. Future is not here, it's there, and I don't wanna postpone it any further.

Friday 12 July 2013

last weekend.

Sooooooo. This is the last weekend and I have no more work to do. Feels really really good. And the weather is amazing. 

Today I woke up and had my last PT session with my friend at 8 am. Then I went home for a second breakfast and then I met up with him again. We walked to this pier where we were sun bathing and swimming for a good amount of hours. 

I got my ticket back to London today. It has been bitter sweet knowing I'll go back, but now when it's so close I just can't wait. It's time. 

Tonight I'm going for drinks in the Skybar with friends and family, then we'll see where the night will take us. I know for sure that tomorrow will be about the same as today, with the sun bathing and the swimming.

Monday 8 July 2013


Of course it's a sky full of covering clouds on my day off. What else did I expect? Silly girl. 

I bet it's still pretty hot though, which is really all I care for. 

Sunday 7 July 2013


Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my friend so chill in the park; sunbathing and swimming is on the agenda. Then I'm going for dinner at my grandmums in the evening. I haven't seen her new flat yet, so I'm very much looking forward to it.

Run like the wind

I went out for a run at 10.30 pm tonight. Perfect temperature, perfect lighing and just me onthe track. I did about 5 km, with a small stop or some chin-ups on the way. I haven't been running in a long time, so I'm just happy about the fact that I didn't get tired, but I'm super happy my knees didn't give in. I might do this a few more times before I go back to London. I'm graving the gym, so I reckon a few kilometers every second day will do my head, and body, some good.


So I haven't had much internet time since Tuesday, so here's the update. 


And of course, great fucking big sun in the sky, swimming, biking, BBQing, little sleep, good food in general, chilling in the park during my breaks, trying to get tanned. 

Well, that's about it. I have two more work days booked, I'm gonna try to get at least one more in there. I'm off for two days from tomorrow, and yes, the weather better stick to these 30 degrees! 

Tuesday 2 July 2013


Got a heavy leg session in at the gym today. Really nice to train with Emilie, who are an equal gym freak like myself. 

Now I'm home at my mums. Gotta give the iguana a bath and hoover before she get's home from Bulgaria tomorrow. Then I'm biking back to the city to go bathing with my friend Malva. My legs don't wanna do anymore biking today, but I just have no freaking choice, do I?