Sunday 30 June 2013

training, eating, living

Typically there was no sun on my two days off, so no sunbathing for me. Though I must say I am pretty happy that I've managed to go to the gym three times this week. That's like a lot for a lot of people. 

Tonight I'm going for a BBQ at my family friend's place. I'm looking forward to that, though I just ate lunch with my brother, so I don't know how much food I will be eating. Probably a lot, since I'm a pig.

Oh, and I'm sooooo happy I got a 2.1 on my end degree grade. BOOM! It would be time for celebration, but ain't nobody got money for that.

Saturday 29 June 2013

creativity and productivity

I had the day off work.

Biking into town to get my passport and biking all the way home to my mum's took me about two hours. Then my brother and I made a huge house clean for another two hours or so. 

It was brilliant, I've never really seen my brother clean before, so this was a first. My mum shall be very proud when she reads this. 

After that I died a bit on the sofa. 

Woke up and my brother and I made it to the gym. BOOM, I love the gym so much.. 

I cooked dinner and now I've been chatting with Andres, making plans for the future. I am sooo excited, I just wanna go back to London now!

Friday 28 June 2013


Last night, as I was walking between my oldies, I got this feeling of wanting to have babies. It was strange and alien to me. I'm not saying that I'm gonna get them now, but it was actually a nice feeling to experience.

home vs. home

Everytime I go back home to Sweden I feel like another person. My life here is just the complete opposite to my life in London, that when I'm here that life is but a dream. And when I'm in London, the life in Sweden is very distant and strange. 

One thing about both places though is that I am happy. Happy in the moment. 

I love being in Sweden, it is an amazing place to be honest. But I know also that right now I'm in the honeymoon state where everything is pink clouds. I love the green trees that is everywhere, and that it's clean and so far no rain really. For some reason, most of all I love the smell of Elderflower. It's everywhere. 

I have no money, but it's still easy here and I get to see my family and the friends I have left. And that I appreciate a lot, for a while. 

But at the same time. I can't wait to go back to London. Here I do nothing at all with music, I hardly even sing. And if I'm lucky I get to train once a week. Though my active rest from the gym includes biking everywhere and walking at work and doing a lot of house work. So it's not that bad. 

Anyways, to conclude this. I love being home, but I can't wait to go back home again.


32 hours in two days. Work, work and more work. It has been extremely tiring, but nice. 

Two days ago I got to play with a coupe of 4 year old boys on a small break I had. I was on a big swing, reading my book, when they appeared and wanted to swing with me, and talk about the scary picture on the cover of my book. I think one of the dads found it strange at first, but then he loosened up a little, and gave me and these three boys a swing.

One of the boys was so cute. He wanted me to sit next to him and all of a sudden he kissed my shoulder and told me he liked girls. It was adorable. 

On the second day I went to a restaurant to get  lunch box for one of my oldie. The owner is such a friendly man who has had the place running for 39 years. He handed me two lunchboxed of which he said on was for me. Pancakes. No need for more words. 

So 16 hours a day is a lot of time for working, but people are nice and grateful and it's warm and bright outside, so I don't really wanna complain about anything. And at the end of the day. I get paid.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

my other friend

I went to get trained by my friend Fabian today. Fuck me, he killed me big time. And it was sooo warm in the gym too. I loved every single sweat drop rolling down my face though. I miss training so much, and it has only been just over a week. 

After the session he bought me lunch and we sat in the sun for a while. Then we took a quite long walk before I had to bike home to say good bye to my mum who left for Bulgaria. I was wrecked when I came in. 

Now I've taken a bath, scrubbed my poor feet, and made dinner and lunch boxes for me and my brother. Soon I have to bike into the city again, where I'm gonna cook some more food for Emilie and then sleeeeeep, like a baby boss! Tomorrow and on Thursday I work double shifts, meaning 16 hours a day. Then I might take the weekend off. But probably not.

my friend

I'm mostly staying at my friend Emilie now when I'm here in Sweden. It's closer to work, but that's only the plus side. Or I guess all of it is a plus side. She is spoiling me BIG time. It's like I'm in a rehab from life. Food, home made juices, desserts, skin care.. ouff. Do I really wanna leave this place?

Of course I do, though I'm freaking loving life right now. I can't wait when Emilie comes over to London in August, so that I can take care of her too.

Saturday 22 June 2013


Drove to my dad's and stepmum's house to celebrate midsummer yesterday. It was the perfect day for celebrations. When it's that hot and sunny there's something magical about the whole tradition.

Short description for people that has no idea about midsummer.

1. We meet up around noon, dress this cross that resembles the dick with leaves and flowers.
2. We eat, a lot. And drink, a lot. SNAPS is the not-so-tasty liqour we toast every 5 min with. 
3. We dance around the giant "dick" singing about frogs, birds, foxes and other animals, musicians, and just make a lot of noise. 
4. We play some games, which involves a lot of running and chasing eachother. Because of the alcohol in everyones vains, there is a lot of falling over. 
5. We eat cake and strawberries. 
6. Just a lot of hours of drinking. 
7. Late at night we have a BBQ. 
8. Drinking
9. Drinking. 
10. More drinking
11. Passing out wherever possible.
12. Wake up and eat breakfast. 
13. Go for a walk
14. PIZZA! 
15. Chill
16. Either start over with the drinking, or recover from midsummer eve.


I can miss any other holiday, but Midsummer is sacred, and the year I will miss out on tradition I will be very sad. This year was a bit different than earlier years, but still awesome and today we walked to a lake where I took my first dip for the the year. It was soooo awesome. 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

gym and sun and news

AAH  I enjoyed the time at the gym, in the SUN. I mean, it's not the same as a proper gym, but just the feeling of being there is awesome. Not too many people today too. Gonna blast some more sessions in next week for sure. 

These two journalists came up to me and wanted to interview me about me and about the gym, so I'm gonna be in the news paper on of these days, showing that girls can to chins too hahaha.

beautiful day

It's 1 pm and I've done so much today already. 

I finally managed to get a new pass port done, so I will be able to leave this country again in about a week if I want to. 

Biking all over the place too. 

And I payed my brother a visit. Really nice so hang with him a little. We really don't do that often, so yes. 

Now I'm gonna bike, of course, to the outdoor gym for my first session of training this week. Has be done. Gotta lift those logs like a boss!

Tuesday 18 June 2013


I have refused to go to any spinning class at the gym, or any gym, since I was 13 and had to do it with my football team. It's just not my thing. 

But look at me now, poor as a church rat, biking to work and back every day. That's about 10 km on a old lady's bike. I mean, it doesn't take me much longer than taking the train, but my legs are on fire. But what to do when you can't afford buying a travel pass?

Monday 17 June 2013


Wow, it has been over a week since I last wrote here. 


RECITAL - boom, smashed it. Seriously. I'm proud of us in my band.

ZUMA dinner with family - awesome as always, thanks dad!

PARTY with people from college after the very last recital - so much fun, though I came late for a good (or bad?) reason. 

TRAINING - the last three days I freaking pumped like I was nover gonna pump again, and I could feel it for days. 

SWEDEN - I love it. It's so fucking pretty and clean. I'm hanging with my friend Emilie and working. But tomorrow I'm gonna go and get a new pass port so that I can leave this country eventually. Oh and I'm biking everywhere. I proper hate and love it. My thighs are gonna be even more massive by the end of this visit. 

Sunday 9 June 2013

day before recital

I woke up feeling shit today. I went to the gym and after a 20 min workout I decided that I should not have gone in the first place. 

Slept some more before heading down to college for my last ever rehearsal at that place. It was a wierd feeling, but the rehearsal was pretty good, so I'm glad. 

Tomorrow is the big recital day. That's all I can say right now. I should maybe be doing something other than crying my eyeballs out to Grey's Anatomy with the girls, but it kind of feels like the right thing to do.

Saturday 8 June 2013


Quite randomly I'm gonna go on a date now. A very short one, since I need to take it easy before the recital. But still... quite exciting.


My bv rehearsal sounded quite good today, so I'm feeling a bit more relaxed.. now it's all coming down to me. 

Woop woop, come Monday

Friday 7 June 2013

With or Without Stew

And here's the link to the last gig we had for performance. Just pure good times. Enjoy. !


The beginning of the end

Today was awesome. Got payed, went home to practice and then spent a good amount of hours in college just enjoying my fellow guitar student's recitals. Suuuuch nice vibes in there, and on Monday it's my and my fellow singer friends turn. It's gonna be sooo epic, but I still feel that I need to practice loads. So you know what this weekend will bring me. 

I can't believe it's over sooo soon. I've waited for that day for quite a while, and now it's coming. I'm still looking forward to it, but this week and the next I can really feel that I'm enjoying myself.

Come Monday! 

Wednesday 5 June 2013


I had my very last exam today. Sooo good that it's over, and it actually went really well. The teachers were very happy, which of course made me very happy. 

I'm currently training twice a day, weights in the morning and cardio and intervals in the evening. I'm fucking wrecked to be honest. Tomorrow I'm having a day off everything. I'm going down to Brighton after work. Gonna see my friend Jack and just have a good time on a hopefully very sunny day! Can't wait!!!!

Monday 3 June 2013

Monday before THE Monday

We had our final business presentation today. It went okay on my behalf and great on the whole groups behalf. I'm so glad that it's over, though it's hard to grasp it still. 

One more week before the recital gig and that's it. No more music student. I am knackered from this year, and I wish I could go on a holiday. But as one chapter finishes, another one starts and that's the way life goes. I just don't have time of money for a holiday, but I guess that's fine, since I'm gonna do things that I love.