Tuesday 28 June 2016


I am having a great time in Sweden, and the weather is just perfect. 

I must say that I am keeping very busy though, running around between friends, training, family and dates. Yes, I am making the effort to actually go on dates. This is in plural, I just think why not. I'm on holiday and I haven't met up with new people for so long that I kinda just want to go overboard on this... Never the less, it's been interesting so far. TBC!

Sunday 26 June 2016

Hello, it's me

Now Midsummer weekend is out of the way. 
I ate so much I felt sick, no need for alcohol to get me to that state. 
Had a really nice time with my family and yesterday (Saturday) the weather was great, today I was paying the price of not putting sun screen on my shoulders... But now it seems like there might just be shit weather all week. At least it's hot as fuck. Love it. 

Friday 24 June 2016


It's Midsummer and I just got back to Sweden.

My flight was almost 3 hours delayed. 
That meant I went eating bad stuff out of boredom. I also bought myself a new handbag. 
There was a crying baby behind me on the flight. 
I had to take the shutterbus into town because my "driver" overslept. He picked me up from the central anyway. Then he locked the house keys in the garage and we had to call my mum to come from work and open the door for us. Now it's 5.45am and I should really be going to sleep if we are going to party all day today. 

But I am happy. I have 10 days off. I had a mega awesome leg session today before heading to the airlort. I am no longer dieting. I am slightly at peace that I will get fatter this week. I just want to enjoy myself. I might just have to diet a little bit when I'm back in London, but right now I want to just chill and enjoy myself.