Tuesday 31 May 2011


I saw Burlesque with Christina Aguilera.. I know, almost a crime, but I did enjoy it. Not in a good film way, but entertaining... music, dancing, make up and dresses. People see me as a tomb boy, but I do like girly stuff too sometimes.

shiny and new

I feel much better after a healthy dinner. For once it included carbs, protein AND fibres. Usually it contains just carbs... and ketchup.

It's almost 9.30 pm and I already feel like I want this day to be over so that I can start tomorrow all bright and shiny. But maybe I should practise some more...

Or just download a new film.

Or practise while downloading a new film. I like that.

pro and con

So I haven't left the house for anything today. After my dancing I felt really sick and I couldn't do anything. The Barbican have to wait until another day.

I'm starting to feel better, and restless.

I wish there were mountains around here. When I lived in Hollywood hiking was my favourite thing to do. An in Sweden it's just a lot of nature. Here it's just too boring to take long walks. And too much trafic too. Oh well, I shouldn't complain since I chose to be here.

Since I'm not doing anything I will do another round of practising for the vocal exam.

dance until you see the stars.

I've been training zumba and trying to remember some of my old dances. All this dancing has made me feel sick. I think I need to eat and drink.

And I really have lost my dancing stamnia. I can't do any piruettes or head circles without getting dizzy. It's sad. I'll get back to it!


Wow I feel refreshed from this weekend. It's time to start focusing really hard now. I jsut have to wait until my flatmate and his girlfriend leaves the building. They wouldn't appreciate my studying effort.

Monday 30 May 2011

Do you think our love can create miracles?

Just saw The Notebook. It just truly is the best love story ever. I cry my heart out, every time I see it. Seriously weeping. My throat even hurts from trying not to completely show my sadness. I love that film.

Now, a good nights sleep.

practical jokes or...?

Good evening.

I've been having a good day and I know from tomorrow there will be nothing but focus. I'm also going back to training hard and cooking food.

I just got an inventation to a birthday party at my old friends place. We haven't talked last since January as some of you might know. There was only 16 inventations sent out and her and I are not friends on FB anymore. I wonder if it was a practical joke by someone, since clearifying from a mutual friends earlier today that she's still te same old self.

I'd love to go and party crash her birthday and just being able to laugh about what happened between us. Unfortunately I'm not in Sweden on the day.

oh yes

Watched Legends of the fall. Great film I must say. And Brad Pitt is truly a hunk of his kind.

Going for a walk to wake up again.


This weekend I've slept so much, and I feel great.
Toay I've been studying a bit of everything for the test, and had Nando's for lunch.

I'm gonna chill för a bit and then go back to study some more.

Sunday 29 May 2011

bright time

Gooooooood Morning.
I got to sleep until 11.30 am today, so well needed.

And one of the girls at school said yes to swop out exam times, meaning I get another week to prepare myself for the torture. I am so so so greatful I can't even tell explain.

And today I'm taking my bf to the Barbican to buy some music books. I'm so excited about that too.

He's just gonna get another 10 minutes to wake up first.

Oh and it's sunny. That's always a good morning sign.

Saturday 28 May 2011

my pleasure.

Went for good bye drinks with work. Our head chef worked his last day today.

As I was about to leave we did our last high-low five and I felt quite emotional when he said it has truly been a pleasure working with me. He is one of the first people I got to know here in London, since I've been working with him since last July and I must say he's one of the kindest people I've met in a long long time. He is the living proof that you don't have to work under a head chef like Gordon Ramsey who's screaming at you.

Master head chef. It has been a greate time.
I'll see you in your new restaurant!

Friday 27 May 2011

reality strikes

I haven't had a shower for two days.
Evidence of commitment.


I'm done with the essay, done with the report. I feel light.

Reminder to self. Haven't done transcription yet.

Just because I can.

I miss this phone. It got stolen from me when I was in Brazil. It may not look like an amazing phone to you, but the alarm signal for waking up was truly amazing. Any time of the day, no matter how little sleep you've got, it made you feel delighted to wake up and embrace the day. I'm serious here. I think I even might wish for phone like that next Christmas.


Last year at this point I looked like this:

Happy, tanned and blond with all the time in the world.

Today I look like this:

Still quite happy, pale as a ghost and a shitty haircolor,
with deadlines up my ass.

I'm quite excited I can put up pictures again. this means I can start taking pictures of my favourite ugle faces and put them up here with no shame what so ever.

getting there

I had a really hard time open up my eyes at 7 am this morning with just a bit over three hours sleep from the night. But GOOD MORNING. I'm done with my history essay and I've sent it in, so no more worries about that. Pjuuuh!

I feel that there are so much more the music business report could include, but to be real... there is no more time to start something new. Or is it? I guess I could, since I'm waiting for one of my partners to send me the final conclution.

I do have a homework for todays class, but I don't think I can focus on that until I know we're done with the report. Plus, with the amount of sleep I've got the past night I don't think I can focus much at all... I need Sunday.


Okay, time for bed. have to wake up early to finish this and finish my essay, and do my homework. Looking forward to it.

hey ya

It's even later than yesterday. Woot Woot.


I think my body is starting to fight back my new extreamly bad habits of not sleeping and not eating properly. I need to start over again, after tomorrow.


Fun. I obviously didn't drink enough Redbull tonight since I fell asleep and now it's 1 am. Shit shit shit.

Thursday 26 May 2011


Broke down in class today too. Nice last image of me for my fellow singers, who I now have shared my last class with. Sad, it is.

But I don't have time to think about that. Just got a reply from a person on the inside of the company we're writing about in Music Business. Deadline was 5 hours ago, but he said he'd give another day because we knew we were gonna get answers today.

To be completely honest I already wrote how we didn't get any replys. So that was a wast of word pooping. Time to finish this shit once and for all!

Redbull nr.1 down!


Porrige, the best breakfast in the world.


Good morning. I wish the night just started. Man I'm tired. But it's the last day of classes, so I kind of want to go to school anyway.

social skills

My flatmate and my bf just came home. They are having a conversation; on the phone.


Still working. Still hype.

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Three Redbulls later and my heart is starting to hurt. Totally worth the danger since the music business report is starting to look like a formal report and not just a pile of shit. It's all about the layout.

I think also for once I'm gonna be awake when my bf comes home from work. I'm so hyped I could go out running, or in this senario, just don't fall asleep doing something as boring as this shitty report. Can't wait to hand it in!

hard knock life

Broke down in class today. I can't really take imperfection sometimes. But I know I'll nail my vocal exam next week. Hard work until then though.

Then I sat for hours with my group mates to write the stupid music business report. Then they left me and I hated it even more. Just got home, well prepared with four Redbulls and Oreos cookies. Can't be bothered to cook so I have my second portion of porridge for the day.

Well, lets get dirty and almost finish this shit. SHIT!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Lady and the Tramp

I went out for a long run. About 45 minutes to be exact. And I haven't been running regularly since last summer. It feel really good, and I managed to get a proper stretch afterwards too. I feel happy.

I'm treating myself with pasta and meatballs. Too bad my bf is not here to share them with me.


Have been writing shit all day. The music business report is not quite near to be done, but almost. And today has been the nicest day in a long time, and I've spent maybe 30 min outside, including my walks to and from the tube station. I saw in the pepers that it's gonna be about 20 degrees and sunny tomorrow. And I there will be no more then 30-40 min outside again.

Og well, it's just this week. I continue to say that to myself. Just this week.


I'm talking to a girl that I met while living in Hollywood a couple of years ago. She's doing really well now and she was the one recomending me LCCM here in London.

It seems like the school was sooo sooo sooo much better before. So it sucks a bit to hear. But it's nice to have a chat with someone who has finished the course too.

The funny part of this conversation is that it's in english. And we're both from Sweden.

nerd day

Having a study day.

I'm so close to being done with my history report, but it feels like I can't end it. I need like one more catchy phrase or something. Hate it.

Gonna go to school around 2 pm, to do the music business report as well. So I have to leave in about two hours. I'm gonna try to get a small exercise out of the way and do some vocal exercise too.

Saturday 21 May 2011

and then?

Yet another Saturday evening after work. Today was quite busy, so I feel good.

Time to cook some dinner and then not study. I think I need to actually do something else but forsing myself onto my work, even though sometimes you have to do it. I just don't feel like spending another weekend night at home.

Thursday 19 May 2011

taxi taxi

Got great feedback from the gig last night. Feels really good!

Met up with my mum and her bf after collage today. We ate Subway and had a chat. Really nice, no fighting.

Oh so about that thing yesterday...

A few days ago I booked and payed a taxi company to pick up my mum and her bf at Heathrow and take them straight to the venue last night. When they came out from the exit there was no one there to pick them up, and after waiting about 20 minuted I told them to take another taxi. Then, 45 min after thay had landed, the payed taxi phoned my mum up and said he was two minutes away from the airport. TOO LATE. I told my mum to take a reciet for the journey so that I could go to the company and smash them when I got the time.

I had time 12.30 am last night after the gig. I smashed them indeed and got all of my money back. Seriously thought they could mess with me, huh?!

The best part was that the journey ended up being cheaper then it was suppose to be. Great!

Love of my life.

Tonight was great in every aspect. My mum and her bf made it on time, with complications which I will write about tomorrow.

Our set was rock and roll. Not perfect, but perfection is boring they say... We did a really good job and it's bitter sweet to know that out band, Charlie Shee, is officially kind of over. So for the people who didn't make it tonight, you missed a band with a lot of love.

Thanks to everyone who made an effort to come and rock on to the people performing tonight. I shall see you on stage soon again.

Much love.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

almost there

Almost the whole band is here. We're having a laugh while fixing us. I'm getting excited again. I kind of look like Jane... you know, Tarzans girlfriend.


Today is the day! The gig day.

Yesterday's practice was sooooooo good. Singing and dancing and sweating. Tonight is gonna be great. I'm realy hoping for my mum and her boyfriend will make it in time from the airport. And too bad my bf can't make it since he has to serve Gordan Ramsey tonight. Oh well.

I'm so excited!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Sunday Sunday

Yesterday was a long day. Today is not as long I think. But productive indeed.

Woke up and almost finished my history essay.
My bf and I went for lunch.
I booked taxt for my mum and her boyfriend for when they arrive on Wednesday.
Talked to the people running this place since the toilet hasn't been working for the past 2,5 weeks. Just to come home to a fully functional wc.

Have been cleaning and now the brownies we baked are done. I have said not to eat any until I have done my training, come on Emily, you can do this!

having a good time.

Looong looong day is coming to an end.

Work could have been sooo boring, but I was studying and planning my life, and I friend came by... so time went so fast actually. Then it ws straight off to band practice.

I'm so stoked about the gig on Wednesday. We have something special I'd like to say. I'm so glad I was put in this band. I'm going to miss all of my band mates when we're done after this gig. These people are my family here, and not we're all going separate ways. It's sad, but there are more people out there to make magic with.

So just come on Wednesday.

Half Moon in Putney. Free entrance and a lot of fun.

Friday 13 May 2011

I'm just second hand news

It's crazy how bad my habbits has become.

I now put chocolate on my porridge. I have a tiny lunch quite early and porridge with chocolate for dinner. Inbetween I eat sweets.

I hardly train right now since there is litterally not much time for it and when I get home some night I am so exhausted that I fall asleep and won't wake up even when my bf kiss me on the cheek.

I'm having the worst mood swings and I'm so grumpy sometimes I'm scared of myself and what I have become. I keep saying this will change as soon as this gig is out of the way, and I sure hope so. This can't go on.

never ending story

Woke up like 5.45 when someone stubbornly buzzed the borbell for like half an hour. My bf and I refused to even check who it was.

Meaning I had a long day to do things I need to do.

I wrote a questionnare to a company we need to write about in Music Business.
I practiced my modes, intervals, rythms and on of my exam songs.

I trained and then washed my hair.

I went to a place to pick up some stuff for the other flatmate and I walked all the way to Sloan Square where I took the tube to London Bridge. I sat down in a park and did some more rythm clapping. Then 3 hours of lessons.

Now I'm home, I've had my "dinner" in form of porridge and I've talked a bit to my mum.

I'm gonna plan my life a bit, since even though I've got thing done today, I'm nowhere near close to stress down. Maybe another study session would be good.

Thursday 12 May 2011


So yesterday night I was trying to write some questions for my questionare to the company my group will write a report about. Little did I know that I fell asleep so hard that my bf came home, kisses me on the cheek and left the house just to call me up "to make sure I was up". I am just so amazed by myself. I, who used to sleep so light that I would wake up if you would look at me.

And the questionare is still to be done.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

By winning

I just wanna say OMG! haha.

Yesterday's practice was soooo good. I feel for the first time this term that we can actually do this. And that I rush my mum to the venue straight from the airport so that she can be a bit proud.

And OMG, how much we have to do in school the net three weeks. Crazy shit.

the day it all began.

Today is my bf's birthday. He's working and I'm at school. But we celebrated last Sunday and going on celebration two on Sunday. But I'm sure I can come up with something for him tonight.

Gotta go.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

such a beautiful day

Breakfast for dinner. Porridge.

I think todays band rehearsel didn't go to good. And I think it's not the best idea to start another song when we haven't finished the other songs. But people seem to think that we have endless time for this project, when we in reality talk about 13 hours or so.

I've been practicing a bit today. Just singing. Haven't done that in quite a while, and just like I'm losing my muscles from not training, I'm losing my voice. What will I have left when my physic and my voice is gone? Not much.

But speaking off, my bf and I are gonna have a fighting session in our livingroom. Lets hope the neighbour thing the worst!

Monday 9 May 2011


So I suggested that my bf and I would watch some porn, just for fun. And all he came up with was lesbian porn.

Now he put something else on, saying it reminds him of me. Hm....

Sunday 8 May 2011

food coma

Ate too much food, and now we're having a nap. At least my bf is. I'm gonna try to study, but with the lack of interest I will most likely join him.

making each day of the year.


The gig yesterday was freaking awesome! Really happy I went.
It took me some time to get home, and I ended up walking in the rain. But since it was a nice warm evening I actualy enjoyed it, in my heels!!

It's not warm today whatsoever. I hate the swings of the wether, but hey, it could be worse.

Anyways, today we're celebrating my bf's 25 birthday. I woke him up with a golden package and he was happy, and tired. Now we're starving since it's amost noon. Favourite restaurant, here we come.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Life stress by

Straight home after work. Sweaty after the tube ride. No time to shower. Student food in a rush. Pasta, egg and ketchup. My favourite. Going to a gig. Didn't plan to go at first, but here we go. Change of clothes. What to wear? It's warm outside, rain is hanging. Can't waist more time. Stress free day tomorrow. Can't wait.

Friday 6 May 2011

been there one time, been there two times.

Had my first Friday at school. We started the conversion course to get in on the second year on the three year course. It was a really good class and I think this will be the class where I will learn so much more then so far, and in a faster pace.

Not to be like that, but that's how I feel.

I just ate, pasta and meet mince the 4th day in a row. What can I say, I sure am a student.

Wonder when I will get some more money from CSN, I need to buy two new softwear for this cours.

Well, I'll try to get somewhere with my history exam. Maybe tonight is my lucky night.

humgriest of them all.

Good morning. I slept in today, so I kind of opened my eyes about 15 minutes ago.

Since I forgot to eat dinner yesterday and at 1 am felt really hungry, my stomache was really plesed when I woke up and decided to feed him some porridge. Now he's making really loud sounds, and they're not like "thank you" sounds, more like hard and evil sounds. So the beast is fed, but never satified.

Thursday 5 May 2011

how many do you take?

And to brag a bit more about my new habits. The same day I bought all that mince I also bought a lot of fruit. So I sure have my 5 a day for a while too.

it's just one thing that gets me trippin.

Haha it really feels good when you've studied well. And now I'm hungry too! Still, I think I'm gonna try to write some more on my history essay. Haven't tried in a while, so why not?

And I bought loads of meet mince the other day, so for lunch and dinner the last couple of days there have only been pasta with mince for me. Starting to get tired of it. But there's still one more portion in the fridge. And about 10 more portions in the freezer.


Have had a great day and a not too good day, and then back to normal again.

Started with me practicing before going to school. It's a new good habit I've taken on, so I am very very pleased with myself.

Had a piano lesson and got such an ego boost from my teacher. I just love those classes so much, really really encouraging teacher.

Had another great class with sightsinging and rythm klapping. Went really good, and that's beyond normal. Maybe my new habit is paying off already.

Then our poster for the gig on the 18th got printed out and I am really pleased with the work my bff drummer did.

From there it kind of went downwards. Our band rehearsal yesterday went really well and today was a total disaster. I was really frustrated, but after having a talk with the band after it all felt better. I really think we can make a good set, but we are nowhere near to that, and we only have 4 more days to practice.

But other then that. GREAT DAY!

Now I'm gonna practice some more. Don't know what yet, but there is never enough practicing you can do.

Wednesday 4 May 2011


We finally had a good rehearsal with the band today. Felt good and now I'm exhausted.

I also found out that we only have 3 more weeks in school before our exams. Sure I knew we are gonna have out exams soon, but not that we're not gonna have any classes. Seriously?! No classes for five weeks and then... nothing. Over. I am kind of pissed off about it.

Oh well.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

lets get down to business

I've had a very nice and long weekend. But, today is the day when the serious student is starting. And I mean serious. We have our exams in about 5 weeks and right now I'm in the shit, at least so I feel.

So thank you mother earth for a sunny day yesterday. Please come back next Sunday.