Sunday 16 November 2014

Midnight Blues

It's 1.30am and I'm wide awake. So much for resting this weekend too... 

I've spent time with myself tonight - which was awesome. It's very rare to have the flat to myself, so I really enjoyed it and yeah... tried to be a little bit productive. 

I tried to record some ideas for the Arkestry album, but ended up starting to record a cover of a Queen song. It's pretty jokes, but I'm gonna try to finish it and get Perea to help me do something with it. 

Eh, tomorrow it's Sunday and I'm meeting the Bf's mum for the first time. Time to put on my charm face again... so maybe I should get some sleep. 

Good night!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

hi hello

Hey every one. 

So a lot of things are happening all the time and I am still not good at updating this blog. Sorry about that.

So the last time I wront here I just filed my tax return papers.. today I got a letter that I have to pay 244 pounds. With only 276 pounds in the bank it makes it kind of scary and exciting to be alive here in London. Things need to start to pick up as I will have to go out prostitute in a few months otherwise. Jokes! 

I'm writing out this new program though that I'm going to offer to 4 people next week and the following week, and then I'm going to launch the whole thing in December. And come January and things don't pick up... nah it will, so no worries.