Thursday, 22 August 2013

almost there

Today I met up with Perea and the bass player in our band, Gareth. Whilst they ate fried chicken like kings we sat and chilled. And talked about future. 

Big plans are being made, and fuuuck, I'm so excited. It litterally feels like I'm walking towards the startline, and then off I go. Or we. The Band. 

We booked a rehearsal for next Tuesday, which will be the first rehearsal with a full band. Today I ordered my own vocal pedal. Thank God I had some money, because this whole music shit isn't cheap, so you all better BUY our shit when we release! :D 

And I'm officially back on doing vocal exercises daily. I'm training as usual, and I've added some cardio to get the lungs going too. Everything has to be spot on for when we go into the studio in a couple of months. BOOM, life is good!

1 comment:

  1. I hear what you're saying, though 'Anger Management' is just the name of my blog because my last name is Anger, no other reason. Thank you though!
