Tuesday 25 October 2011

Got no feel, I got no rythm

Yesterday was a long day. I woke up at 5.15 to go to the yoga cass at 6.45. That was awesome! It's so cool that after just 11 times I can see such big difference, and I feel great.

But after that it just kind of went down hill. Or not really, but I ended up eating way too much sweets to manage to stay awake during long and not too exciting classes. And it didn't work eigher...

Band practice was okay, but not as efficient as I really want it to be if we're gonna do something good for the recording and for the end of term gigs.

So I came home just before 10 pm, hungry as a monster and with pms. That just turnes me into a monster. I had a fight with the bf and now I don't know what the future will bring. I want to continue to live here, but now I don't know what's gonna happen. I think I need help for my moods. I just can't control myself at all...

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