Thursday 4 November 2010

One of them smart experience

So I'm back with my boyfriend again. Haha, drama drama. But I guess it's good sometimes, in small dozes. So you could guess who kind of choked me last night by holding me to tight. It ws kind of cozy in there though.

I had such a great start at my piano lesson today. You know when you get those "AAAAH" experiences (not the painful ones if that what you're thinking). Well, I had one and I'm sure I'm gonna be a great piano player at some point. It was kind of like Barbie finally getting that she was blond. So I feel so good about myself right now.

So now before sightsinging class I'm in the Quiet study room with Kalina, laughing out loud.

Oh, and also... I got my second answer from CSN, and I'm positive I'm gonna get some money on my Swedish account some time soon. I love this day. Now I'm hungry too.

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