Thursday, 7 January 2010

Ambitious night

The girl hasn´t called me yet so I guess there will be no partying for me tonight. But I´ve been up to loads of things since my host left for the movies.

I had a Skype-session with my mom and with my friend Evelyn. Now it seems like both of them are going to join me for a while in Salvador and stay during the carneval. I say that they are doing the right thing.

I have been practicing some songs and listening to music. Then I was suppose to write some own stuff, but I couldn´t get Lady GaGa´s preformance of Speechless on Ellen´s show out of my head, so that never happened.

Then I realized that I was running out of underwear so I had to do wash some laundry. And I did... old style, with a soap in my hands.

Then the phone rang, and I talked with another Couchsurfer that came from Argentina. He wasn´t going to spend the night here tonight as it was planed. But I never new we were suppose to be more here. But I guess the more the marrier.

Oh, and I´ve been starting to write postcards. Or, I wrote one...

And finally I have been looking up some hostels and I found one that caught my attention. It´s by Arpoador, a safe part of Rio, 30 meters from a Police-station, view over both Corcovado and the Sugar Loaf, Metro connection and buses that runs in every direction. They have an own night club that is kind of famous by citizents and not to mention it was cheap. Like 180 Reais for six nights. That´s like cheap to me. Too good to be true though... Something happend when I was booking it and now I think it´s full. There´s no number on the website so I think I have to go there tomorrow and get things right.

Oh, and now she texted me. In portuguese and when I tried to translate it it didn´t make sence, so now what?

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